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Cartesian Style CNC

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  1. OpenBuilds OX CNC Machine
    OpenBuilds OX CNC Machine

Vox Solid State

Mar 15, 2019
Cartesian Style CNC
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I never thought owning a CNC machine was possible until I stumbled upon the Openbuilds site. After viewing numerous builds I was drawn to the Ox by Mark Carew but ultimately decided on a build of similar design, Halloumi by Savvas. It's a C-beam design driven by Nema 23 steppers with Acme lead screws. Like Savvas I will be fabricating temporary plates to get up and running then use the machine to mill the final plates. The material I'm using for the temp plates is solid surface (Avonite).

YAPCNC (Yet Another Poor's Man CNC)

Jul 12, 2018
Cartesian Style CNC
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Yet Another Poor's Man CNC (YAPCNC) is my first attempt to build a CNC. The idea is for the build to be as inexpensive as posible while being usable for my goals.

Gigantesque CNC

Feb 22, 2021
Cartesian Style CNC
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Build in Progress...

This is a upgrade to make a little deeper and a little bigger foot print for cutting. This is a copy of design off Rob Taylor idea for Dbl C Beam setup. The goal though is to design it around a new build with minimal tools for some one with no cnc access. Drillpress and drill bits and tap set. A 10in Non ferrous metal cutting blade for my table saw. Paper printer for printing DXF files.

Joe Harris's all metal CNC Router build

Dec 4, 2017
Cartesian Style CNC
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Build in Progress...

I'm building a CNC router in my garage (almost finished!) and I'm keeping a video build log of the process in the hope it may be useful to others wanting to do the same. I don't have much in the way of fancy tools so expect a bit of innovation on the way!

The BEE and ME

Apr 2, 2019
Cartesian Style CNC
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I have always wanted to work with CNC machinery...a few years back I got my chance to learn some basics at the Double Glazing Company where I was employed (very basic I might add) before the firm folded and I was made redundant...I wanted to continue learning and when I came across this site which push affordable machines I thought I'd give it a go. So I purchased a !000mmx750mm Screw Driven Workbee from Ooznest and I'm about to embark on my quest as many have done before me...Wish me Luck!

Routy GT2 300 BSX CNC Router

Jun 24, 2015
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This is the first project that I would like to share with you. I know the build looks familiar and it is; it’s based on kram242´s Routy. Work area is 300*500*55 mm and is NEMA17/GT2 belt driven.


Oct 28, 2017
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

From where Mark left off from the Ox build I am going to film the whole process of customizing the Ox.

Gantry CNC - Decisions made only to change over and over.

Jan 11, 2018
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This is my first CNC build. As per the norm, I went in with months of research, planning, and resource gathering tied neatly together with a solid plan. As the path went on, the plan continued to change to accommodate issues I hadn't counted on. But, at the end of the road, the project reached completion, and I learned a ton along the way!


Mar 12, 2018
Cartesian Style CNC
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Build in Progress...

Open builds style wood CNC router. Usable work aria 1000mm x 1250mm x 150MM (X x Y x Z). 80x40 C bleam for the Y axis , two 60x20 beams for X axis and a 60x20 fo Z. Interlocking GT3 belts for X and Y. Looking to change over to a rack and pinion system in the future. 8x8Tr Lead screw for the Z. Leadshine HBS507 close loop drivers and 3-phase servo motor 573HBM20-EC-1000 motors driving the Y and X axis. Would recommend them to anyone looking for servo like performance at a affordable price.

HandCrafted WorkBee - HCWB

Sep 4, 2018
Cartesian Style CNC
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Build in Progress...

This will be a slow build as I collect parts and materials as funds permit for 1000mm x 1000mm Workbee. I call it the "Hand Crafted WorkBee" because I will be hand making the plates and as much of the build as possible using a drill press and hand tools.

Shapeoko 2 - my first CNC

Jan 4, 2019
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This was my first foray into CNC. I chose to go with a reliable kit build since my knowledge of GCode, controllers, and steppers was pretty rudimentary.

CubeFoot CNC

May 8, 2014
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This small desktop machine is built inside a 300mm cube of 20mm extrusion. Work area is 14cm by 14cm. I used 400 step nema17 motors all around.

Contrariwise -- A C-Beam Router

Jun 22, 2016
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

A C-Beam router made almost entirely of standard parts. Electronics include an xPro v2 board and NEMA 23 motors. Cuts are made with a small 300W DC spindle. A pressure foot is used to minimize the need for workholding.

D&R Tiger Paw build combo

Feb 17, 2019
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

The Tiger Paw will be a 1000mm X 500mm Cartesian style CNC with the Minimill attached to the end. It is named the D&R Tiger Paw because my son, Daniel, and myself, Richard, will put this Tiger strong and fast machine together. Our goal is to have a Tiger strong build with a Paw print that wouldn’t take up a huge amount of space in our garage.

Sphinx 55 with 3D Printed Addons

Feb 3, 2019
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This is a build log of the Openbuilds Sphinx 55 with some 3D printed parts for the electronics and probably other parts as they come up.


Mar 26, 2019
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

The machine is a stock Lead CNC, with the Black Box controller and StepperOnline 269oz NEMA 23 motors. I'll be using the DeWalt 611 from Openbuilds, as well.

Openbuilds CNC (witthuhnCNC XKLBR-1S)

Feb 25, 2020
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

Based on the popular C-beam / V-wheel design, with the largest available work area, relative to machine size. Screw driven with anti-backlash, integrated drag chains, Carbon fibre gantry plates, Openbuilds BlackBox Controller (USB), Transformer & kill switches, with internal wiring, limit switches & Nema 23 motors.

Ox with Gecko Controller and CNC Linux

Dec 26, 2015
Cartesian Style CNC
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Build in Progress...

This build is the documentation of someone with no experience building the OX cnc machine with a Gecko G540 controller and CNClinux

Aluminum OX build with some modifications

Mar 15, 2020
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This is my OX CNC router. It has been a labor of love for over a year now! I hope you find it interesting and inspiring! I also hope that it gives some of you more experienced CNC builders a different perspective and some ideas!

My Ox

May 16, 2015
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

What I want to build is a unit to: rout wood, plastic and occasional aluminium . to be able to swap cutters. i.e. drragknife, laser, router, drill

C-beam Router rack and pinion

Sep 24, 2015
Cartesian Style CNC
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Build in Progress...

I want build a frame that is as sturdy as possibility while at the same time keeping it as compact as possible. working area will be approx 1200mm x 600mm


Nov 10, 2015
Cartesian Style CNC
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Build in Progress...

One meter square. Short and stout.... reminds me of a Sumo Wrestler. A temporary and adjustable configuration I have devised to cut my own plates. I have kicked around ideas for about a year and the C-Beam extrusion has made this attempt to realize my ideas irresistible. This is just one step towards bigger and better things!

Stainless OX kit

Dec 28, 2016
Cartesian Style CNC
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This is a 1500 X 1500 Stainless OX kit build, by a cnc novice. It is the first cnc machine i have ovned and build I got this kit from http://makersupplies.dk/20-ox-cnc-kits

DaveP's Homemade CNC Project

Feb 7, 2018
Cartesian Style CNC
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Build in Progress...

Somewhere along the line sometime around February 2017 I got the bug in my head that I needed to build a CNC router. This is where I am today...

WorkBee 1510 - First CNC Build

Nov 20, 2018
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This build will go through the construction of a WorkBee 1510 kit from the OpenBuilds Part Store, all mechanical and electrical components were purchased from the store in late October 2018.

Sphinx 1050

Dec 4, 2018
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

Openbuilds 1050 Sphinx. Thank you to Mark Carew for trading me a set of plates for a spindle and PSU I was not using. Mark is a champ!

Rack and Pinion Cartesian Mill

Mar 30, 2020
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This is a rework of a previous build I did on here, a mostly printed cartesian CNC. Initially intended to just be an update to that, but so many things changed including the linear motion and every single part has been modified significantly that I felt as though it deserved a whole new build.

Long Ox with drop in table

Jun 1, 2014
Cartesian Style CNC
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This build is a modified Ox build. The long rails are 1000mm. My build includes a solid clamping table.


Nov 15, 2014
Cartesian Style CNC
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Build in Progress...

Mechanically, a scaled up OX build (1500x1500). Electronically, GRBL on an Arduino and a gShield. From a software perspective, the focus is on useable open source software tool chains.

FRANKINATOR -- My CNC Router Built Around The C-Beam Rail

Feb 2, 2016
Cartesian Style CNC
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Build in Progress...

I started this build about 2 weeks after the c-beam hit the store. I purchased a single bundle and ordered a TinyG to run it. where I work I have Hardware, Software and Mechanical engineers and they all got sucked into my project. they want one to do prototyping at the office, once they see mine...

C-Beam Prototype

Jul 15, 2016
Cartesian Style CNC
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This is a variant of a typical OX (Mark Carew inspiration) router using C-Beams/8mm Acme rods to drive all three axis. I went with a 1000mm x 1000mm frame size. Useable space is 28" (711mm) X 26" (660mm) with a Z axis work travel of approx. 3.25" (82.5mm). A TinyG is used as a controller along with Fusion 360/Chilipper as the software for generating and running gcode files.

Large C-Beam Sphinx style CNC Build

Jan 12, 2017
Cartesian Style CNC
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Build in Progress...

Started my build of a large Sphinx style cnc Router. I wanted one to handle the Dollar Tree Foam Board (DTFB) so I am making this to handle 2' X 3'. This is my first endeavor for a CNC so I am learning as I go but there is one thing for sure.

Warnke CNC Router

Sep 5, 2017
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

A blend of modular aluminum and steel bracketry built to yield fine cuts in hardwood and aluminum. An open table with a shiftable pin-fixture concept will allow the operator to shift longer than Y-travel work-pieces, such as doors, along the Y-axis of the table. This machine has a 44" (X) by 24" (Y) by 8" (Z) travel with water cooled VFD spindle motor, t-slot ext work table, cable carriers, side guards n dual y drives. Total weight (w/base-stand) is about 600lbs.

Ox Stainless with ballscrews

Feb 1, 2018
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

Ox Stainless with ballscrews for motion, nema 23 steppers, LInuxcnc for control software. Using basic parts for frame from Makersupplies, and the rest sourced from ebay. Building a small router hoping it will be able to cut aluminum with decent results.

Brice's CNC Router Build

Dec 1, 2018
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

I'm building a CNC router for a long time. Here's the result on this long journee. I tried to do my best with the basic tools I have. Don't hesitate to ask if you have questions.

"Stung by the Bee" OB Workbee 1010 Build

Oct 4, 2019
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This will be a build Log for my Open Builds Workbee 1010 Build. I will keep a full descriptive log of the build and make any notes in the hope that it will help other builders that decide they would like to build this machine.

1515 Deluxe

Apr 18, 2020
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

Build features include a double c-beam gantry (bonded & mechanically fastened), linear x rails, custom gantry end plates, a custom linear rail & ballscrew Z axis, and custom lead screw tensioning plates. The primary goal was to remove twist from the 1500mm gantry & stiffen the Z axis.

OpenBuilds OX 48x48 Aluminum

Apr 4, 2014
Cartesian Style CNC
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Build in Progress...

Variant on the OpenBuilds OX CNC Router, enlarged with 1500mm length beams for a cutting area of 48" x 48". Based on the original model, the larger of the two, with the addition of a third 20x60 beam on the gantry for strength. Estimated cost is around $1100, minus the router.

3000x1500 CNC

Apr 25, 2014
Cartesian Style CNC
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Build in Progress...

Here is my Project A CNC 3000 mm by 1500 mm, with a 2.2kW spindle collet ER25 and 4 stepper motor nema 23 425oz-in. The purpose being to have a large work surface for a minimum cost.


Jan 12, 2016
Cartesian Style CNC
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Build in Progress...

[EN] Build of my Multiple OX CNC. It's goal is to run in 2 differents modes : router and 3D printer modes. The router mode will allows the use of a laser diode or a standard spindle. [FR] Construction d'une CNC basée sur l'OX pour des usages multiples. Deux modes principaux sont prévus : l'impression 3D et l'usinage via une defonceuses. Le mode usinage permettra à l'avenir de placerune tête laser pour effectuer quelques gravures simples. Une version française : http://kermareg.be/?page_id=103

Longhorn OX (Under Construction and In Progress)

Mar 30, 2015
Cartesian Style CNC
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Build in Progress...

I ran across the OX and knew it was the one I wanted to build. Some of the things I wanted to include was make it bigger and a little more solid than what the original plans called for. So here is where I am at so far. It will have a cutting area of 48" x 48". The waste board support frame will have more support rails. The Y axis will have (3) 20mm x 60mm rails instead of the original (2) that is called for. 1/4" aluminum OX plates. And a few more odds and ends.

1200 x 2700 CNC based on OX

Aug 20, 2015
Cartesian Style CNC
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Build in Progress...

Preliminary design for cnc based on OX for cutting wood sheet products (ply, MDF etc.) for a sheet size of 1200mm x 2700mm

C-Beam Double X

Sep 11, 2015
Cartesian Style CNC
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Build in Progress...

Per the special notes its a variant of the C-Beam, Machine.... I have noticed that alot of people build a CNC router to cut parts for other larger CNC machines.. eg Delta Printers etc....plus this will enable me to cut parts for model RC plans UAV's etc...

Hedron's build with Ooznest kit and Xylotex motors

Oct 26, 2015
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

A 3-axis flying gantry (4'x4') mechanical kit is assembled. A 3D printer is used to make cable chain for tidy and cheap wire management. A BeagleBone Black development platform with Machinekit software (LinuxCNC) is configured to control a Xylotex motor driver box connected to an Openbuilds Ox direct-drive pulley and belt motion system. A vacuum dust-collection system is designed, CNC-routed and installed. A steel table is made to mount the table onto.

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