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Openbuilds BlackBox Controller - Firmware issue, fails to connect.

Discussion in 'General Talk' started by Glen vinnicombe, Oct 21, 2020.

  1. Glen vinnicombe


    Oct 12, 2020
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    I have been having some issues with the Blackbox controller. This is my first build and after quite a lot of research I opted for this controller. I wired the controller in and everything was working perfectly, all limit switches worked as designed and all the Steppers worked as the should and I was really happy. Then at the end of some further testing I powered down the unit to have a break. Unfortunately when I went back to the machine I was unable to connect and I got the error "No supported firmware connected, you need a controller with Grbl1.1x ...". I search the forums and documentation and followed all the steps as suggest - trying different Laptops/cables, checking drivers etc. I finally had to give and I called the supplier (ooznest). They were happy to replace the unit and I received the new one and once again I connected without issue. Then after some more test cuts during the day and turning off and on a few times without issue, then later in the day I came back to run a couple more jobs and I get the same message again on the new unit!!
    The only thing different I can think of is on the last power down, I accidentally hit the "Reset button" as I switched the power switch to off.
    I now have two faulty units to returned but my confidence is now really damaged with using this unit. The supplier are happy to replace and for me to try a 3rd one, but I'm wondering what could I be doing wrong or am I just unlucky in receiving 2 faulty units? I have triple checked the wiring and it is all fine, I'm only using 2 cores (sig & grnd) on the limit switches and the motors are wired fine - everything was working perfect before I shut it down. It just seems to be shutting it down is somehow causing the issue, has anyone else had a similar issue? The supplier did say they have a few unit die like this so perhaps I am not the only one.
    Can anyone make any suggestions? Or perhaps I should look for a different controller option, which is a shame as this little unit is very neat.
    Any help is most appreciated....thanks
  2. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Please discuss this issue with http://support.openbuilds.com/support/home and they'll be sure to make things right for you!
  3. Glen vinnicombe


    Oct 12, 2020
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    Hi Peter,
    Thank you for your reply, I have now raised this issue via the contact form you posted.
    I was just reading similar posts, which at least it makes me feel that I might not be doing anything wrong.
    Just a quick question do you think me hitting the reset button as I switched the on/off switch may have caused the issue? I dont like not knowing what might have caused the problem, so I can avoid it again going forward. Is this a common issue for your experience?

    Thanks again for you quick response, it is really appreciated....
  4. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    I don't think the Reset button itself, but the Store will probably be in contact with you soon :) they always sort out those out in the end

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