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Mini V Gantry and Nema23 420 oz stepper motors

Discussion in 'CNC Mills/Routers' started by Elijah Anderson, May 4, 2017.

  1. Elijah Anderson


    May 4, 2017
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    Hey guys,

    So I have failed at building my CNC machine, and I have just decided to buy a complete kit. I am working on re-coping my losses. I realize that this is NOT want this forum is for, but I know that some people here might be interested in a good deal on the Mini V Gantry sets, as well as the nema stepper motors and drivers that I am getting rid of.

    Mini V Gantry Set x4 | eBay

    US Free!3Axis Wantai Nema23 CNC Kit 57BYGH115-003 3A 425oz-in SingleShaft&Driver | eBay

    I am going to just eat the losses and purchase the 1000x1000mm X-Carve and be done with it. Thank you for looking, and share with your friends to save them a couple bucks if they are in the market.
  2. Kevon Ritter

    Kevon Ritter Veteran

    Apr 30, 2015
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    Hold on! Why did your build fail? The X Carve is probably a lesser machine than you were building?
    Mark Carew likes this.
  3. Elijah Anderson


    May 4, 2017
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    I was building a CNC almost identical to the X-Carve. Buy I ran into things way too fast without research. So I am just cutting my losses and buying one. I honestly don't want to have to rebut all of the different parts again, and start over. I had the x,y and Z all done. Everything was going good, but the rails I ordered were too weak. I would have to buy different gantry rails and start over,so, to save me the heartache of another failure, I am just buying one
  4. Rick 2.0

    Rick 2.0 OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Dec 20, 2013
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    No such thing as failures here, merely concepts needing a bit of improvement. (Trust me, I've had my own share of them.) So before you throw in the towel and settle for a Shapeoko, you might show us what you've got as there's not a whole lot this community can't fix. You'll likely wind up with a better machine for far less money.
    Joe Santarsiero likes this.
  5. Joe Santarsiero

    Joe Santarsiero OB addict
    Staff Member Moderator Builder

    Oct 30, 2014
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    I'm with Rick.
  6. Elijah Anderson


    May 4, 2017
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    Is their a build that will cost me less than 700 dollars(I have a router and 3 stepper motors with controller etc) that will give me 750mmx750mm cutting area? and if so, please let me know. Ill need a parts list because I am honestly a complete noob.

    I look at all these greate builds, but I hate to guess about what the parts are by the pictures. I just do not know where to start. I already have 3x 1500x20x40mm rails, 1 20x20 rail, and assorted 20mm 80/20 pieces. I just need a good guide here to help
  7. Rick 2.0

    Rick 2.0 OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Dec 20, 2013
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    I think it can be done given that you already have most of the electrical parts. Also hang on to the mini-V wheel sets you have as you'll need them.

    To get a better idea of where this is heading, what kind of router do you have and what do you envision using the machine for?
  8. Elijah Anderson


    May 4, 2017
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    right now I have 1/4 HP craftsman router, I do not mind changing that at all. Right now I have been building small 3D printers and small desktop CNC machines that use a dremel. I have been building these by hand, and I want to be able to cut everything out in one go with a CNC machine. This will reduce my labor costs by almost 150 dollars. I can give a better deal and still make good profit for the savings from the CNC machine.

    It will be used to cut up to 1" thick wood, and I will be cutting some aluminum. I would love to make some 3D cuts, I have Mach3 and Meshcam already. It is what I use on my small CNC machine. But I just need something that is at least 750 by 750 cutting. I was thinking about the C-Beam XL, and upgrading the length later, but I see all these other builds that could be far cheaper and I just do not know where to start.

    Building something small is easy, only a few moving parts, and smooth rods are cheap and easy. Building something on this scale is a lot harder for me. I feel like a baby needing to be walked through every step at the moment.
  9. Elijah Anderson


    May 4, 2017
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    I have just ended my auctions in hopes that I find an answer here. My budget right now is 700. But once it hits 1400 If I do not start a build, I will just buy and re-enforce an X-Carve simply due to its size
  10. Elijah Anderson


    May 4, 2017
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    Half of the builds here look great, but they require custom plates(which I dont have access to get) or they do not have a parts list
  11. Rick 2.0

    Rick 2.0 OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Dec 20, 2013
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    Based on not needing substantial Z axis depth this will be fairly simple to build. C-beam rails with screw drive using the rail pieces you already have to support a fixed bed. Will sketch up something later this evening to give you an idea what I'm thinking. No custom plates required and it'll blow the socks off a shapeoko.

    The only issue I see at the moment would be needing a (small) 4th axis motor and driver. Will the BOB you have accept a 4th axis?
  12. Elijah Anderson


    May 4, 2017
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    yes, my little china made BOB wil accept a 4th motor. Also, with the DQ542MA drivers, cant I wire the Y axis in parallel so I could save on another driver?
  13. Rick 2.0

    Rick 2.0 OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Dec 20, 2013
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    Can and should are two entirely different things. It's best not to.

    Anyway, attached is a quick Sketchup model and a prelim parts list. Please excuse the quality of the model. I'm away from home and my main computer and all I have to work with is a laptop and 3DWarehouse parts downloads so the results aren't pretty. The Z-axis is incorrect as shown but too much effort to fix on a laptop. It will need to be much simpler to bring this in on budget. Connections are also not shown. Cutting area is approx. 750 x 840.

    The parts list covers the majority of it but not down to the level of a final bolt count. You can see though that the $700 budget is fairly workable.

    Attached Files:

  14. Rick 2.0

    Rick 2.0 OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Dec 20, 2013
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    Revised model attached. It's a fairly straightforward build. Look it over and see what you think. Cutting area is approx 780mm x 830mm and will allow full depth cuts up to 1 1/2". You will need to cut the block supporting the Z-axis nut. Delrin would probably be best but a hard wood block would be acceptable. The duplicate of the Z-axis rail setting off to the side shows the connections between the members. (Look down from the top.) You will need to drill some 4mm access holes through the sides of the outer members to tighten the screws but this is fairly simple. One of the stringers underneath will need to be spliced from the offcuts of the 1500mm 20x40s you have since you only have 3 sticks. For the router attachment, a good and economical system can be found here.

    700 - Revised.jpg

    Will review the parts list later this evening. Do you intend to install cable support chain?

    Attached Files:

  15. Elijah Anderson


    May 4, 2017
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    No cable support or chain, I already have a setup that will work
  16. Elijah Anderson


    May 4, 2017
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    I have attached an image, maybe I missed something on the Z axis. My question, is the block that I circled attached to the plate behind it? making the full gantry move up and down? if so, am I drilling holes to make it fit? if not, how am I attaching the z axis. I noticed it is set on the rollers, thats why I assumed the little block that I have to make is going to attach to the gantry plate. other than that, it is pretty straight forward, and thank you very much for helping me with the build!

    Attached Files:

  17. Rick 2.0

    Rick 2.0 OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Dec 20, 2013
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    Yes, the block is attached to the gantry plate and the the gold nut sets down inside it and is fixed with a setscrew. The block is attached to the gantry plate from the backside where there are recessed screw holes already cut into the plate as this is designed into the plate as an optional location for nut blocks. If you use Delrin for the block, drill the mounting holes 3/16 and the 5mm screws will self thread, providing an adequate connection. The block can also be attached from the front side but you will need to drill some holes on through the doubled gantry plate if you intend to do it that way (which may be necessary if you use a hardwood block as nuts would be required which would interfere with the router mounts if installed at the front). A 3D printed block would also be a possibility as the nuts could easily be recessed.
  18. Elijah Anderson


    May 4, 2017
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    thank you, and the last question I have, are these the "solid-V-Wheel" in the build? I have a cart full of the parts that I know. I just want to be sure that I buy the correct wheels. Then I will order the screws and the small items on Friday when I get paid.

    Suprisingly, I can use a lot of the small things I already have, so this is nice.

    But if you can tell me the wheels, I will be able to order 80% of the items right now. I am so excited. Thank you so much
  19. Rick 2.0

    Rick 2.0 OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Dec 20, 2013
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    Yes, the solid V wheels are correct. But don't order just yet, let me go through the parts list one more time as I have dropped several items from the list and need a few more to add. You said that you already have a number of the corner connectors and the tee nuts so check to see that you have 32 and 96 (respectively) of those parts.

    In the mean time, you might review the video of the C-Beam™ Linear Actuator Build and the X-gantry assembly portion of the C-Beam Machine XLarge as both of these apply to your build.
  20. Elijah Anderson


    May 4, 2017
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    ok, and I wont order anything. I do have some of the parts already, but if you do not mind, just put the whole parts list up, this way I can remove what I have myself, and others can simply see a full completed parts list.

    In the mean time, I will come very familiar with the builds you linked.
  21. Rick 2.0

    Rick 2.0 OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Dec 20, 2013
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    Shopping cart attached. Fairly certain I got it all but no guarantees. You will need to add a DQ542MA Stepper Motor Driver and 2 Double Tee Nut™ because of your situation. You will also need a Delrin block approx. 20mm x 35mm x 21.5mm. The average reader will need a 150mm length of TR8*2 lead screw and nut. Spoil board is 34-1/16" x 39-3/8".

    Specific quantities on the screws are:

    88 M5x8
    4 M5x10
    40 M5x20
    34 M5x25
    12 M5x55
    4 M5x60

    Attached Files:

  22. Elijah Anderson


    May 4, 2017
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    I bought everything except my last needed stapper motor, as well as the lead screws....(plus the stuff I already had)

    By my next paycheck, I should have everything assembled and ready to add the rods and the stepper motors. Ill post videos of the build as I make it.

    Thank you SO much Rick, you have no idea how much time, effort and money you have saved me
    Giarc likes this.
  23. Elijah Anderson


    May 4, 2017
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    My first batch of parts has been shipped, they should arrive by the 19th and I will start assembly!
  24. timeisleaving


    Sep 2, 2017
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    If I wanted to double z-axis cutting height (to 3" from 1.5"), would simply extending the gantry height be sufficient or would this build require some additional support to prevent/reduce flexing at that height? This would be used for hardwoods and aluminum.

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