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G-Wizard feed/speed calculator on sale

Discussion in 'General Talk' started by Batcrave, Apr 13, 2020.

  1. Batcrave

    Batcrave Journeyman

    Apr 20, 2018
    Likes Received:
    I was just mentioning this to someone else (deep in the bowels of an exceedingly long & rambling thread that I can't in good conscience recommend anyone else actually try to read) when it occurred to me there might actually be other people interested.

    There's a 25% off sale (presumably because it's the last opportunity to make a buck before we all die in plague-striken agony) running on the pretty-awesome-but-kinda-expensive G-Wizard feed & speed calculator for a few more days (their g-code editor's apparently on sale too, which also looks nifty but I've never actually tried it & certainly can't afford it now).

    I've used the trial versions (usually the trial lasts me just about long enough for a machine to break. again.) off & on for the past few years and it's really a pretty nifty package - even if I never use it for much other than the feeds & speeds (it's got all sorts of other mathamagical/machinisty/geometricalish referencey stuff that I completely forget about until I've already looked it up on teh interwebs) - but I was never quite able to justify the cost. Now, on the other hand, I still can't justify the cost... but I'm buying myself a plaguesmas present.

    Their pricing needs a little explanation (or a calculator), since it's a little confusing (ok, frankly their pricing scheme is downright bats), since it's based on both duration and spindle power. The "1 year" option gives a year of unlimited use, and then limits itself to calculations on 2HP (1.5kW) or smaller spindles for life (meaning it's probably the only thing most of us with "hobbyist-class" machines even need to consider - which is good, because even that's a little pricey). The "3 year" is three years unlimited, then 5HP for life. If you want the lifetime option, your spindle is probably way too big for this place and if you can afford that, you can probably also afford to do the math yourself.

    (of course, in the FAQ it says it's just a linear 1HP per year, so it's possible the 2HP/5HP figures are also sale-specific... did I mention their pricing in a little confusing?)

    TL;DNR : Nifty feed & speed software with screwy pricing is on sale for cheaper, but still screwy pricing.

    Here's the page showing the sale prices:
    G-Wizard Calculator Pricing - CNCCookbook: Be A Better CNC'er

    Here's the page showing the 2/5HP numbers ("G-Wizard Lite" is their name for shorter subscriptions. or something?)
    G-Wizard Lite Plans and Pricing

    ...but both pages send the same product to checkout with the same price.

    Go figure.

    @ Mark, Mary, Peter, Rick, etc : Hopefully this falls under the category of public service announcement rather than advertisement (if I had any connection to the company, then they'd better have a [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] good explanation why I'm still having to pay for their [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]ing software... and a [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]-better explanation of how their [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]ing pricing works), but if it's stepping over any lines, feel free to nuke it. I promise I won't cry.


    *sniffle* *sniffle*
  2. Mark Carew

    Mark Carew OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Jun 28, 2013
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    G wizard falls more under the helpful software category and maybe should be put into the Resources section as well - Helpful Tools | OpenBuilds
    If you find some time to add it that would be very helpful. Thanks Bats
  3. Batcrave

    Batcrave Journeyman

    Apr 20, 2018
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    I was a little surprised it wasn't already there, but wasn't sure whether it was appropriate, or if the focus should be more on free resources.

    If you think it fits, though, absolutely. It really is a fantastically useful piece of software, if you can stomach the price (and a few of the quirkier interface decisions :banghead:). I'll try to drop a writeup in there later today... Something less sale-focused though, since I think that's probably wrapping up soon.

    (A down-arrow should open a drop-down menu not a full-screen interface, you dreadful unwashed heathens!)

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