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Mark Carew
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Oct 16, 2024 at 7:53 AM
Jun 28, 2013
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Mark Carew

OpenBuilds Team, Male, from NJ

Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

Making the future! May 8, 2020

Mark Carew was last seen:
Oct 16, 2024 at 7:53 AM
    1. Lodds
      I have just retired and looking to extend my woodworking hobby to include CNC C-Beam machine.
      I'm looking at purchasing this unit from Ooznest in the UK. Can you tell me if their materials are to a satisfactory standards and original concept by Mark.
      I have no idea what I am getting into and not at all sure if all this is within my capabilities anyway especially when it come to the software and design.
      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Hello Tony, Welcome to CNC once you start you will love it! Dive right in and have fun. The Ooznest guys are great and they will have you up and running in no time. The OpenBuilds resource here is the best in the world so be sure to check in on all the helpful tips and ideas here on the forum.
        Aug 3, 2017
    2. Gonçalo martins
      Gonçalo martins
      Good Morning,
      Sorry to be bothering but I have a problem with my cnc:

      He is using Arduino one and G-shield, and Universal G sender

      It works well with the G sender manually on the various axes, however when
      Sending a project to cut it advances in x + and gets uncontrolled.

      Or rather loses the coordinates.

      I really do not know what I'm doing wrong.

      Someone who can help me.
      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Hello @Gonçalo martins I do not have this particular setup but I will give some advice that may help.
        Not sure if this will help but from this statement "Or rather loses the coordinates." it seems to me that it could be your unit of measure (mm/in) not set right in your code vs. the control software.
        Jul 7, 2017
      2. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        This is a long shot but to be honest though to tell from whats explained. If this does not work for you please use the support forums to work with the community to see if we can try to figure out what may be going on.
        Jul 7, 2017
      3. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Jul 7, 2017
    3. MeindertJB
      I am new to this forum and like to build the Ooznest OX CNC Machine build in 'Cartesian Style CNC' published by Ryan Lock, Jul 20, 2016. Can someoneplease help me to recalculate this spread sheet to a working space from 450 x 1200 x 100 mm ? I hope someone can help me.
      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Hello @MeindertJB , thank you for reaching out to us. I did not make the spread sheet so not sure there but I think that your best best for this answer would be to reach out on the Ooznest OX support thread.
        Jul 6, 2017
      2. Ryan Lock
        Ryan Lock

        The parts list would be the same. It would be just the extrusion lengths which would need changing. The spreadsheet is for a 500x750mm machine. All you need to do is take 50mm off all the 20x40 & 20x60 extrusions (Except the 20x60x200mm). And add 450mm to all the 20x80mm extrusions.

        Best Regards

        Ryan Lock
        Jul 6, 2017
        Mark Carew likes this.
      3. MeindertJB
        I woke up 03.30 tonight with an idea and it worked and have converted all to a correct parts sheet !!!!!

        Thanks for the help and respose
        Jul 8, 2017
    4. PhotoSgt85
      I was wondered if you could share where you sourced the green connectors on the APEX design that go from the PCB to the stepper driver. I have a control system (non CNC) for a laboratory sample system that currently has too many wires that I would like to neaten up. If you can help I would greatly appreciate it!

      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Hello @PhotoSgt85 the board house sourced these for us, so I am not sure. If I am able to find out I will send out a message to you about them.
        Jun 27, 2017
        PhotoSgt85 likes this.
      2. PhotoSgt85
        Just wanted to let you know I found out that they are called Phoenix connectors. I have a project I hope to have coming forth soon that uses these that I think you'll like.
        Aug 3, 2017
    5. Mark Roberts
      Mark Roberts
      Mark, Every time I buy something at the parts store additional emails of the same news announcement are sent to me. The last count was 32 emails announcing the Mini-Mill package. Mark, I only need one. Can you fix this? John Mark Roberts
      1. MaryD
        We will look into this.
        May 31, 2017
      2. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Thanks guys we will work this out
        Jun 10, 2017
    6. byung jun park
      byung jun park
      Woodwork with my heart and soul
    7. Lulu121208
      hello...sorry for my bad english, i was thinking about to build cnc miller cutter machine for steel-plate and carbon steel milling. with is the best openbuilds cnc machine for doing this work ?
      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Apr 21, 2017
    8. Rego
      i,m not using a grbl shield just 28byj-48 steppers and mini servo motor any help will be appreciated
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Rego
        thanks on post processor as i'm qa newbie at this i find it daunting apart from rewriting the circuit board i'm trying to plot there must be a way to tell grbl every Z andZ-1 command (pen up Down etc)that Hpxx2 nc file can change to see M03 and M05 commands you have been a great help so far at least someone knows i trying
        Apr 21, 2017
      3. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        " there must be a way to tell grbl every Z andZ-1 command (pen up Down etc)that Hpxx2 nc file can change to see M03 and M05" Not sure if it can done in grbl but, since it is a text file you could always use a good text editor that can do replace and you should be able to replace all the Z to M.
        Apr 21, 2017
      4. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Apr 21, 2017
    9. Rego
      thanks mark im new at this i built dirks curcuit plotter won,t work so i use robbitin,s servo grbl fofr plotter but when i try to draw circuit file gcode nc uses z1 z-1 pen up pen down but grbl uses m03 m05 i dont want to use different software to change gcode any suggestions please and thanks
      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Hello @Rego it looks like you could create a post processor to convert the Z moves into m. But if like you say you don't want to change the gcode you best bet would be to ask for this support on the robbitin github - https://github.com/robottini/grbl-servo/issues
        or ask how Dirks did his, my guess is that he did a pp from the nc file.
        Apr 18, 2017
      2. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        You could use a simple text replace editor as well and see if you can do a batch change of all instances of m3 an 5 to z moves essentially what the pp would do. Hope this helps. If not please ask this question on the general questions thread and someone will be happy to help - http://www.openbuilds.com/threads/open-build-parts-for-sale.9096/
        Apr 18, 2017
      3. Rego
        Thanks mark at least there is a way around it
        Apr 18, 2017
        Mark Carew likes this.
    10. Dwa60
      1. Gary Caruso
        Gary Caruso
        Apr 13, 2017
        Mark Carew likes this.
      2. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Apr 13, 2017
    11. Dwa60
      To Mark Carew. Sir I was watching your great video on how to build a CNC machine, the full one. You said that there is software on your site, I CAN not find it, could you help out, I also liked the drawing you had. My build is exactly like yours, I followed every thing, I had to watch the video 6 times, you said the type of board you are using but I could not hear what you said,
      1. Mark Carew likes this.
    12. Rego
      hi there i'm new at this need help can't get mini plotter to plot with pen z axis x and y steppers ok z axis is with mini servo
      it using grbl .09 pin 11 on arduino controls servo suppose to print circuit board hpgl .nc file
      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Apr 11, 2017
    13. chrisyln
      I have a C-Beam what power supply should I use 12v or 24v
      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Hello Chrisyln, I would suggest the 24V it will charge the stepper coils quickly and work well for you on the C-Beam Machine.
        Apr 5, 2017
    14. Wieslaw Olszewski
      Wieslaw Olszewski
      Hi mate
      I buy XPro v3 controller and I have problem. On the smoth corners tweak(shake) when run slow. I can't run fast because I made some of carbon fibre and small shranks. Any ideas?
      I run my OX like
      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Mar 30, 2017
        MaryD likes this.
    15. ooze76
      Hope and trust you are doing OK.
      I have recently purchased a 2.2kW spindle and VFD.
      With particular interest in the 40 x 40 V-Slot: Is there any chance you might expand the range to include a 40 x 80 V-Slot ?
      Would the standard 80 x 20 and or C-beam be strong enough to cope with the stresses generated by the 2.2 kW spindle?
      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        There is the 40x80 C-Beam . From what I can find the 2.2 weighs about 8kg (17lbs) so that is beefy for sure and more then likely overkill for the type of work we do here. But you can never how too much power :D My suggestion is to use 2 C-Beams in parallel on the X axis using the 2 C-Beam XL plates mounted together with a plate for mounting the Z axis.
        Mar 8, 2017
      2. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Really though with a modular system like V-Slot your best is to scour the forum and talk to the guys about ideas they may have as well. All the best with your build. Looking forward to seeing it.
        Mar 8, 2017
    16. chrisyln
      I have just finished wiring up my CNC and my Z axis is reversed , can this be put right using the software
      or will I have to change the wires
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Mar 5, 2017
      3. chrisyln
        thanks that helped, no have my z axis working as it should
        Mar 6, 2017
        Mark Carew likes this.
      4. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Glad to be a help, Have fun with your Build! :)
        Mar 6, 2017
    17. DWA
      SIR: I have watched your videos 4, I love them. I am trying to build one like yours, I have the rails, motors, what I would like to get is the NUT BLOCKs, I can not find them.
      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Mar 1, 2017
    18. ScottyB724
      I placed an order and it went to pending, then I had to add a cpl things to it so it went back into awaiting fulfillment. First they were quick to respond to emails, but now they won't respond at all. 4 unanswered emails since Friday. I know this isn't the place for this, but since they won't respond to any emails I didn't know what else to do to get some kind of attention brought to this matter.
      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Sorry for this delay, the Part Store Team has taken care of this issue and you should be back on track. All the best with your Build.
        Feb 27, 2017
    19. Peter O'Hagan
      Peter O'Hagan
      Hi Mark
      Just finished my first build. The C beam xl. Great kit from the uk supplier ooznest also fantastic support too. Looking to start wiring up so reaching out for some help around the Grbl setting for v3 board and the xl. Also siting and setting micro stop switches and the whole concept of homing! Any help would be really appreciated as looking forward to sending first Gcode
      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Hello Peter, congratulations on your Build!
        On the xPRO settings please see the xPRO thread here
        This is where the guys from Spark Concepts (board creators) hang out. They will be glad to help you on your questions. Hope this helps to get you up and running!
        Feb 12, 2017
      2. Peter O'Hagan
        Peter O'Hagan
        Thanks Mark I am on my cyber travels as I post!
        Feb 12, 2017
        Mark Carew likes this.
    20. Jan Willem Kooi
      Jan Willem Kooi
      Hello Mark, I am new to this forum and to the CNC world. I love woodworking and want to see if CNC is something for me. Trough you video's and part list, owning a OX is a realistic option. What i find difficult is where to start? I don't have the budget to order everything at once. Do you have some tips how to begin, what to do and not to do? thnx JW
      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Feb 7, 2017
    21. Brian Bland
      Brian Bland
      1. MaryD and Mark Carew like this.
      2. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Thanks Brian, got'em :) Nice job
        Feb 4, 2017
    22. PhotoSgt85
      Hey Mark, any news on that secret project that may have involved solder?
    23. dennisn8tkk
      Hi Mark, IS there a Makita adapter that fits the Dewalt one you sell in your store ? Or are you planning to having one ?
      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Hello @dennisn8tkk we do not have an adapter available on the Part Store as of yet. But in the mean time you could 3D print one. There are a few different ones in the Resources that may help
        Jan 11, 2017
      2. Mark Carew
      3. Mark Carew
    24. Stephan Schmidl
      Stephan Schmidl
      Hi Mark, may I ask you something to the OX CNC mill? I am absolutely new to that CNC Topic and would like to know, what max feed rate and acceleration the OX CNC with the CNC X Pro Controller board can handle? I want to use 6mm flat end mills with XPS foam. Thank you in advance, pitily found nothing in the Manual and here in the Forum. Greetings and a succesful new year 2017, Stephan
      1. Shrawan Lakhe likes this.
      2. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Jan 2, 2017
      3. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        There are always other factors that will changes these settings mainly how the machine is built , but this is a good starting point. Hope this helps, be sure to ask questions in the discussion thread of the build (tab at the top) so that other will learn as well. Thank you
        Jan 2, 2017
    25. Graeme Lupton
      Graeme Lupton
      Hi, can anyone tell me, has anyone built a sliding table saw fence. Thanks
      1. Mark Carew
        Dec 30, 2016
    26. Adnan Shaikh
      Adnan Shaikh
      Hello Mark!
      I am building my 3 axis cnc router with fixed table.
      I am from India so I can't get x pro controller here. I am facing problems in selecting suitable controller and driver. Please help me to solve my problem. Help me to select them with lowest possible cost. I am waiting for your valuable suggestions.
      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Dec 29, 2016
      2. Adnan Shaikh
        Adnan Shaikh
        Dec 29, 2016
        Mark Carew likes this.
    27. Dirty Knuckles
      Dirty Knuckles
      Should I combine the grounds of a separate power supply and a control boards USB ground?
      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Nov 29, 2016
        MaryD likes this.
    28. Headlodius
      Hi Mark, I wanted to know if you could send me the link to the ox plate files. Had them, then lost my thumb drive they were on and can't locate that link I used when I purchased my c-beam bundle. Would like to upgrade to the OX build. Thanks.
      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Nov 13, 2016
    29. Bill H.
      Bill H.
      Dear Mark, while browsing along I noticed that you had completed a C-Beam bundle. I have just bought one of these, and was wondering, if you would answer a couple of questions. Thanks for replying. Bill H.
      1. MaryD
        Bill, the fastest way to get the info you need is by posting to the Discussion Tabs or the C-Beam machine. We have some really great Moderators and Resident Builders who are happy to assist!
        Nov 3, 2016
        Mark Carew likes this.
    30. Mark Carew
      Mark Carew
      Saturday = Build Day!
      1. MaryD likes this.
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