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Mark Carew
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Oct 16, 2024 at 9:37 AM
Jun 28, 2013
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Mark Carew

OpenBuilds Team, Male, from NJ

Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

Making the future! May 8, 2020

Mark Carew was last seen:
Oct 16, 2024 at 9:37 AM
    1. jrclarke
      Mark...In your c-beam video you mentioned a 1/8 inch collet for the Bosch Colt...I have looked all over, and have had no luck finding one. Can you point me in the right direction, please? Thanks, Jack Clarke
      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Apr 12, 2016
    2. BobAd
      Hi Mark still no go. I plug the usb cable in open panel the lower left window shows jines of info.
      But no Grbl 0.9i ['$' for help] showing its ready? It would be nice to show clips of what to do.
      again need help??

      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Apr 6, 2016
    3. BobAd
      Hi Mark
      I got a X-Pro driver board from you guys. Using Grbl Panel when I try to change the settings in the x,y,z stepper it won't save the settings. 1-2-3-etc clicks to save it to the board. Since I got no ideal what settings to use on the P3 printer. Some of the times it saves the new settings, but most of the times NO tied many times?? The same with the other settings.
      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Hello Bob, I know what you mean its tricky and at first I went in circles with that one :) According to the grbl panel wiki on how to save the setting to the card "You can change settings by clicking on a Value, altering the value and then double-click to send the value to Grbl." found here - https://github.com/gerritv/Grbl-Panel/wiki/Settings
        Hope this helps got you back on track with your Build Bob
        Apr 4, 2016
    4. dakman
      I'd like to be able to route out on a full 4x8 sheet of drywall... anyone build a unit that big? if so, please contact me...thanks!
      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        @dakman you should ask this in the forum maybe under the general section so that the community can respond. You can always connect V-Slot end to end for longer lengths.
        Apr 1, 2016
    5. Bill Raines
      Bill Raines
      I tried to upload my parts list to the "wish" list, ", it does not allow me to open it and add to my list.

      Following is my parts list,
      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Mar 22, 2016
    6. JFAirplane
      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Hi @JFAirplane I would recommend going with the steel track and the Steel V Wheels if your design calls for the outside track concept. But as you can see from all the builds here you can also build your machine using the Solid V Wheels and get the same results. So really is its a matter of design preference.
        Mar 17, 2016
    7. jrclarke
      Recently bought the c-beam kit. In my attempt to assemble it I discovered that one of my precision shims in the wheel kit is NOT a precision shim! How do I go about getting a replacement so I can continue my build?
      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Hello jrclarke sounds like you may have a defective shim. Its rare but does happen from time to time. The best thing to do is contact the Part Store Team and they will take care to get you up and running right away. http://support.openbuilds.com/support/home
        Thank you
        Mar 5, 2016
    8. Akasha Motor Co
      Akasha Motor Co
      Hi! I just assembled my new CBeam machine. I have the steppers wired to a Tinyg and now I think I'm reading there's no more TGFX? I actually have no idea what I'm doing, What I should be looking for as far as (a program to run the machine)? I would rather not run CHillipepper because I don't often have a reliable connection. I'm at the beginning. Could you please steer me in the direction of progress?
      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Hello, I have not tried the Tinyg but I would think that you could use it with any grbl control software like grbl panel . Please have a look at the Software section of the build - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVR8pABCHXI&feature=youtu.be&t=4152
        You should find everything you need in the Files Tab of this build for software as well. Hope this helps
        Feb 29, 2016
        Akasha Motor Co likes this.
    9. Frank 56
      Frank 56
      Hello I am a virgin in CNC builds and have one question of many on my first build, can I hook two steppers to one driver for my y axes? so what board would I need a 3 or 4 axes? All of this is getting a little over whelming for me.
      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Feb 20, 2016
      2. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Its really not complicated at all, once you dive in it will all begin to make sense and next thing you know you will be designing your own machine :) Be sure to use the forums to post questions as this will help others that come along later with the same questions. Have fun with your Builds!
        Feb 20, 2016
    10. Tuncer Yumak
      Tuncer Yumak
      Hello Mark, I would like to make or buy a cheap XY stage for my microscope. I have not played with stepper motor before. What is your suggestion? thank you
      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Since there is no real load on the system I would say that you could go belt drive but lead screw with an anti-backlash nut block would be nice as well. Really I think you will have to take a look though the great Builds here on OpenBuilds and try to decide what will work best for your application. Wish I could be more help but I think it will come down to personal preference on this one,
        Feb 18, 2016
    11. steven52187
      What is the advantage of having a 24 v power supply over 12v?
      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        A 24V supply will charge the stepper coils more quickly and give a little better over all performance.
        Feb 17, 2016
    12. steven52187
      Thanks for your help!
      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        More then welcome,Thank you
        Feb 17, 2016
    13. Mark Carew
      Mark Carew
    14. Mark Carew
      Mark Carew
      Hello @steven52187 Yes the Part Store will take care of you. Sorry to hear you had these issues. Please be sure to add a note to your order
    15. Mark Carew
    16. steven52187
      I plan on buying the motors and power supply today. Can you send me replacement parts with that order?
    17. steven52187
      Hi Mark! I just assembled the c beam kit and I had problems with some parts.
      the spindle mount is not threaded properly for the screws and one of the lock collars has the same issue with the screw.
    18. Splashpoolguy
      Mark this is all new. I found you on you tube with c-beam, great video and I know it took lots of work payed off you found me. I'm very hand on and mechanically inclined. This will be my first build and first set up to learn in and outs of CNC. My question is, can I build the c- beam cheaper if I piece it together with your parts store or just buy your bundle kit?
    19. Sid Murthy
      Sid Murthy
      Mark - I see you provided parts list for SolidWorks. It didn't have the 8mm Acme Lead 1040mm and 540 mm screws. Wondering if you had them?
    20. BrettJ
      In your page for the OX you have instructions for a Spoiler board. In the instructions it talks about Hold Down clamps that will be available in the store. Have you added this item to the store yet? I did not see it when I was looking.
      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Hello Brett, Yes we have plans to offer these but at this time do not have them complete. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope to have them available soon.
        Dec 23, 2015
        BrettJ likes this.
    21. Bill Raines
      Bill Raines
      Mark, I am going to build a large C-Beam based CNC Router. I want to use a 750 mm X axis with a 1500 mm Y using 2 C Beam spaced 80 mm between the 2. I need help with the best way to locate the NEMA 23 motors. I would like to use an ACME on the Z with at least 6" of cutting height. I need help with this design and all the parts required .
      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        I think the best thing for us is recommend is that you start a build here.
        Here on OpenBuilds®, you will have access to valuable feedback from many like minded individuals and Builders as well as resources and tools that can't be found anywhere else.

        Thank you
        Dec 21, 2015
      2. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Dec 21, 2015
      3. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Dec 21, 2015
    22. BobAd
      Hi Mark: Is the (CNC xPro V2 Controller Stepper Driver) a good replacement for the electrics that came with the Plll?
      Its still working ok but failer may be around the corner.
      thanks bobada
      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Yes Bob I think the xPRO would work great for the PIII
        Dec 8, 2015
    23. Colin Russon
      Colin Russon
      Hi Mark,

      I have a design I would like to have made, can I send it to you to see if you can have it made please?


      Colin Russon
      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Dec 4, 2015
    24. Mark Carew
      Mark Carew
    25. Mark Carew
      Mark Carew
      Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
    26. AliKemp
      Hi Mark, Where do I get the OX Plates. I am in the final stages of my order and need to order the gantry plates
      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Nov 27, 2015
    27. BrettJ
      Hi Mark. I am looking to buy a CNC bundle and think that the OX fits my build size requirements the most. I was hoping for a build size of 2' x 3'. Do you have a parts list for the OX able to handle that build size? I really like the C Beam machine as well and wonder what is the largest size you seen one built. I am looking to mill Aluminum hopefully up to 1" thick.
      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Nov 27, 2015
    28. preoteasa
      Hi can you help me with a link to download the application"Mach3 Control" (apk) because the googleplay not find
      thank you
      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Nov 27, 2015
    29. wwwrrry
      Hi Mark
      I'm very interested in buying "V-Slot™ Linear Actuator Bundle (Lead Screw)".
      Do you have skp files or any other CAD of this bundle. I hope I can purchase it by this week.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. wwwrrry
        Thank you Mark.
        Besides, if I make an order today, how fast can I receive it.?
        Seems it will release on Nov 20 but I want to get it as quick as possible.
        Nov 16, 2015
      3. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Nov 17, 2015
      4. wwwrrry
        Thank you very much!
        Also, do you have some components similar to 80/20 that can support this bundle and make it like a gantry crane?
        Or does this lead crew actuator match 80/20 T-slot aluminum.
        Thank you again Mark
        Nov 17, 2015
    30. leversole
      Hey Mark...Do you know when the 1500mm 20X80 will be back in stock? I want to build a 2X4 machine, but may have to downsize as I am anxious to get things ordered and it looks like 1000mm is the longest in stock

      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Hello @leversole Looks like these will be back on the Part Store in or round about two weeks, Thank you and all the best with your Build!
        Nov 12, 2015
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