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GRBL controller running UNO

Discussion in 'CNC Mills/Routers' started by Ray Regan, Apr 21, 2017.

  1. Ray Regan

    Ray Regan New

    Apr 21, 2017
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    I have an Arduino UNO clone running GRBL v. 0.9 on a CNC engraver. I am trying to get it set up. I keep running into issues with it randomly changing parameters or acting like it has. I am using GRBL controller 3.6.1 which came with the tool. I have reflashed the GRBL hex file with little success. This is my first CNC experience. It's a lot to take in all at once. I have seen GRBL v 1.1 on the web. Is this version better?
  2. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Aug 6, 2013
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    Yes, V1.1 is better, BUT GRBL controller 3.6.1 (the project has not been updated in some time) does not support it so you will have to switch to GRBLPanel or UGS (the 'platform' version is quite nice).
    How to install V1.1
    1. get the release hex from Releases · gnea/grbl · GitHub
    2. flash it.
    3. use new GUI to talk to it.

    Now, that clone.... there are known problems with UNO clones that have the CH340 usb to serial chip on them. These problems cannot be fixed AFAIK so you have to replace that with a genuine UNO that has the atmega16u2 usb chip. IF you have any problems with that (very large Gcode files can do it) you can upgrade the software to fix it. If you never run large files with many short segments, you will probably never have a problem. (also, newer UNOs already have the fixed software loaded).

    parameters: my preference for setting parameters is UGS, the plain old one (v1.0.9 now). It just seems to work nicely , and simply, type a commnand, press enter, parameter gets set. simple and easy.
    for example
    then command
    to display all the current settings to check.

    Now, a possible problem might be that the EEPROM has become corrupted.
    To reset the EEPROM to defaults, give the command
    This will ensure that all the settings are rewritten. This makes sure they CAN be written (your EEPROM may be worn out) and also makes sure they are sensible default values. After this make sure you set the parameters correctly and can jog and give manual commands successfully before attempting to run a Gcode file.
    V1.1 has dedicated jog commands which the updated GUI's make use of to jog smoothly and stop when told to.

    Then a command like
    G0 X100​
    should move the X axis 100mm to the right (assuming you are using mm mode, give G21 first if you are not sure)
    G0 Y100​
    should move 100mm away from you, and so on.

    If your machine has home and/or limit switches, DO NOT try to set them up at first. First make sure the machine works correctly without them. Once you have all your calibration etc correct, then you can move on to setting up homing.
    Why do I say this? Limit switches are the source of most setup problems because electrical noise gets into them and stops normal operation. These noise faults are usually intermitant and non-specific and therefore hard to pinpoint. BY making sure the machine itself and the GRBL setup works properly before activating the switches you eliminate many variables so any problems after activating, for example, a homing cycle, are definitely related to the homing switches and setup rather than anything else.
    If you do have limit switch issues, then read the GRBL wiki about it. In fact, reading all of the GRBL wiki is a good idea.
    Knowledge is power (-:

    let us know how it goes...
    Rick 2.0 likes this.
  3. Ray Regan

    Ray Regan New

    Apr 21, 2017
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    Wow, this is a lot of very helpful information. Thank you so much for taking the time to write it. I will take your advice and update when I am done. Thanks again
  4. Ray Regan

    Ray Regan New

    Apr 21, 2017
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    My UNO clone does have that 340 chip you mentioned. Guess I'll be ordering a real UNO before going much further. More to come

    Thanks again
    Cornerspace likes this.
  5. Engin Bereketlioğlu


    Jun 8, 2018
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    I am using Grbl Controller 3.6.1 but my settings list is different from what I see in many web pages.

    Example :
    I do not have $130, $131, $132 to set up "Maximum travel distance" for X,Y,Z.
    I have $0, $1 and $2 for "step/mm" values for X,Y,Z; whilst other web sites show $100,$101,$102 for the same purpose.

    Where does this difference come from ?

  6. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Aug 6, 2013
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    you are running a VERY OLD version of GRBL, those numbers changed between 0.7 and 0.8 as far as I know.
    you should upgrade to V1.1 as it has much improved motion planning.
  7. Engin Bereketlioğlu


    Jun 8, 2018
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    Hi David,

    Thanks a lot for your answer. I am dowloading V.1.1 and trying to put it into Arduino Libraries but every time I am getting a message like "spcified folder/zip does not contain a valid library".
  8. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Aug 6, 2013
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    you need to follow the instructions properly
    here I have the grbl-master.zip file open and am displaying the contents...

    that folder named 'grbl' you see there is what must go into the
    (or where ever your Arduino IDE has it's default sketchbook folder, click File then Preferences to see where it is and add a 'libraries' folder if there is none, then add that grbl folder under the libraries folder.)

    mine look s like this
    then in the libraries folder
    and then in the grbl folder

    after you have done this you open Arduino IDE and under Examples you will see the 'grbl upload' example. That is what you use for the actual upload.
  9. Engin Bereketlioğlu


    Jun 8, 2018
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    Hi David,

    I appreciate your help. This works now. Thanks again.

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