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size speed etc ox

Discussion in 'General Talk' started by peter28, Oct 14, 2016.

  1. peter28

    peter28 New

    Sep 9, 2016
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    I have some questions about the ox cnc :

    I am thinking of buying a ox cnc but i am not sure about a 1500x1500 mm or a 1000x1500 mm.
    How fast can the ox go ( work speed and traveling speed and is it also slower with the 1500x1500 or the same als the 1500x1000?.
    Because i life in europe i was thinking of the ooznest cnc what is the difference between the ox an the ooznest cnc?
    Somebody told me i should get a gecko 540 and mach 3 because ist a lot better then a arduino because the arduino use usb and the gecko a printer port he said the arduine could lose steps sometimes ?
    how accurate is the ox is it 0.01 mm or 0.5 mm and how accurate can i get the machine?
    can i do something that would make it even better or more accurate
    sorry for the questions but i wanna know what i can do with the machine and what not.


  2. Julius

    Julius Well-Known

    Nov 13, 2015
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    these all depend on how you are pushing the gantry. Belts can reach 10metres/min. Rack and pinion too. Ballscrews can reach 5m/min.

    Arduinos are perfectly fine.

    A larger machine can move faster since it has more room to accelerate.

    My ox is accurate to 2 thousandths of an inch
  3. Ronald van Arkel

    Staff Member Builder Resident Builder

    May 7, 2014
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    "sorry for the questions but i wanna know what i can do with the machine and what not."

    Well, you should turn these questions around, and tell us what you want to do, from there we can tell you if it is recommended, possible, or not.
    Joe Santarsiero and Rick 2.0 like this.
  4. peter28

    peter28 New

    Sep 9, 2016
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    well i am gonna use this machine to make :
    cabinets, cabinet doors , mill cabinet hinges but also maybe mill some corian and some aluminum (but not a lot of aluminum ).
    but mostly cabinets from melamine and plywood also MDF .
    I need a cnc that is very accurate i was thinking 0.05 to 0.5 mm on 1500 mm
    If i could i would like to go with the 1500x1500 but is this strong and fast to do what i want to do or is it better to go with the 1500x1000?

    i just want to start the machine so it do's the program and then i can do something else like assembly etc.

    I was also thinking how i could make a line drilling in panels of about 2500 mm on a ox of 1500x1000 and i came up with this :
    at 5.20 u can see that the pice of melamine is pushed against 2 aluminum rails with stopblocks.

    i was thinking of using this with my ox.
    So u just home the machine start the drill programma it do's the programma, then u move the pice of plate then u start program again so u can have a long line drilling.
    i don't think this is very difficult to do with the ox.


  5. Rick 2.0

    Rick 2.0 OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Dec 20, 2013
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    If you're looking for suggestions on line boring machines, you might take a look at CNC Line Boring Machine

    As far as gantry length, typically the shorter the better when it comes to dealing with deflection. A 1000mm gantry will give you over 30" workable width which should be suitable for most cabinet doors. The other issue is spindle size. Do you expect to be using anything larger than a Dewalt 611?
  6. peter28

    peter28 New

    Sep 9, 2016
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    i checked that cnc line boring machine its nice but i also want a cnc for making small parts etc

    i think i will use a makita router a friend told me they are a little better so i think to go with the makita router
  7. Julius

    Julius Well-Known

    Nov 13, 2015
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    If you're doing 1000 or more be sure to use 3x 2080 on the X and 2080 on each Y
  8. peter28

    peter28 New

    Sep 9, 2016
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  9. Ronald van Arkel

    Staff Member Builder Resident Builder

    May 7, 2014
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    If you stay small the Ox is a good options but it is a bit outdated as the gantry is only 2x 20x60mm V-Stot, it will flex a lot when using a gantry over 1000mm (39"). Also, look into something to build that is using a C-Beam. If 850mm (33.5") cutting length in X and Y is okay for you, go with the 8mm Acme screws to drive, alternatively, you can use double GT3/3GT/GT2 3mm belts (one glued in the V-Slot/C-Beam, one for the drive). Just remember that a build with the OpenBuilds extrusions is mend to be for hobby and not heavy production. Still, OpenBuilds is the way to go to enter the (hobby) CNC market.

    That said, OpenBuilds Mexico did sell 4x4' Ox kits and the customers are using them to make signs, but precision needed is much less than cabinet building. To be realistic, 1mm flexing over 1500mm will be a fair number when we talk about the Ox, even when you would have the gantry made with C-Beam. Soon I'll be doing test with one of my latest builds: OpenBuilds Promoveo Study Builds it will have the DeWalt 611 on it and will be doing tests with the DW660 as well and a 1/8" bit.

    The Makita router you are referring to is the 800W/1 1/4HP router? Or the 2 or 3HP versions? What bit size would you like to use?
  10. peter28

    peter28 New

    Sep 9, 2016
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    @Ronald van Arkel what do you meen with double GT3/3GT/GT2 3mm belts (one glued in the V-Slot/C-Beam, one for the drive)?

    if i take the ooznest ox cnc and use a C beam for the gantry will this be strong and accurate enough ?

    can i just order a c beam and will the gantry plates still fit or do i need to make different plates?

    or do you have a design or plans that is a lot better i like the design of the ox because then i can slide plates in and out of the machine that are longer then de work area

    i am still searching for a good set up but also something affordable for a machine

    for the router i was thinking the 800 W 1/4 HP motor and the bits i think 5 mm to max 20 mm
  11. Ronald van Arkel

    Staff Member Builder Resident Builder

    May 7, 2014
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    Hello Peter, check out this link to get an idea on the double belt drive: OX CNC and the Everman drive system. First,... - Maker Store

    Contact the people at Ooznest and ask them what other plates and kits they sell, they might have a kit that can use large bits. Using a 800W / 1 1/4HP router sounds like a good choice although it can not handle a 25mm bit as it would need to grab too much wood at a time for such a router. Hand routing is a bit different than CNC routing.
  12. Ronald van Arkel

    Staff Member Builder Resident Builder

    May 7, 2014
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  13. Ryan Lock

    Ryan Lock Veteran

    Oct 12, 2014
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    @peter28 If you are looking to do mainly wood sheets (Mdf, plywood etc) the 1500x1500mm will work ok, we have a lot of woodworkers buy them because they can fit half a 4x8 sheet on it. If you are looking to work on other materials like you mention aluminum, i would think about the absolute max size you will need and go with that. Our kit can't really by modified to work with the C-Beam rails on the X-Axis because of the hole spacing, so you will need to source/make different plates.
  14. peter28

    peter28 New

    Sep 9, 2016
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    @Ryan Lock how fast can the 1500x1500mm machine go and how accurate can u get it?

    i am still not sure about buying a 1500x1500 ist very hard to decide
    i would like it to go fast for the cabinet sides but is also very handy to be able to route a half sheet on the machine.
    can u recomend something to make it even stronger and more accurate?
  15. Ryan Lock

    Ryan Lock Veteran

    Oct 12, 2014
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    1200mm/min would be a fair number to run the machine at, though you will be able to push the machine quicker. Accuracy of 0.5mm would be worst case, you will be able to get much better than that, but comes down to how much you are going put it. You can bolt the 20x60 extrusions together, i think some people have tried filling the hollow extrusions with resin (Mind of adding too much weight), or doubling up the belts. These machines are more meant for hobbyist work/light manufacturing, what type of manufacturing are you looking to do?
  16. peter28

    peter28 New

    Sep 9, 2016
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    i am going to make cabinet doors and cabinets dressings etc but also some wooden toy's, jigs .
    In time i am gonna work with corian you can make some nice things in this.
    mostly ist for cabinet hinges and line drilling of 32 mm.
    can the 1500x1000 go faster then the 1500x1500 ?
  17. Ryan Lock

    Ryan Lock Veteran

    Oct 12, 2014
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    Ok, if it is on a light scale, then it should be ok, would be worth investing in a good extraction system for the machine.

    Drilling of 32mm may be an issue, if you have a 12mm spoiler board, the max depth is 28mm, there is some easy ways round this, just want to make you aware.

    On the Y axis you will be able to accelerate quicker, less weight ~1.2kg. X Axis will be the same, but on the bigger one, you will be able to go at top speed for longer.

    Ryan Lock
  18. peter28

    peter28 New

    Sep 9, 2016
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    yes i don't think ist a lot of heavy work and if ist in solid wood i just set the drill/routing passes in more

    What do you mean with:
    Drilling of 32mm may be an issue, if you have a 12mm spoiler board, the max depth is 28mm, there is some easy ways round this, just want to make you aware. ?

    I mean drilling of the 32 mm holes for cabinet pines like the ikea system , blum also works with the 32 mm for hinges etc the holes are 9 mm deep but are 32 mm apart .

    can i route 50 mm plates or is this to thic? because i sometime use 50 mm for flowting shelfs etc but also interior doors etc

    i think more then 50 mm i will not route, do i need to move the Z ax up if i want to do this or?
  19. Ryan Lock

    Ryan Lock Veteran

    Oct 12, 2014
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    28mm is the maximum depth you will be able to reach, without modify the machine and with a 12mm spoiler board.

    To get more height the easiest way it to raise the machine up and inset the spoiler board, it is a very simple modification.

    If you look through our build on here, you will see some pictures of users which have done this mod.
    GrayUK likes this.

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