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6 pack Universal CNC controller - thoughts?

Discussion in 'Controller Boards' started by ljvb, Dec 1, 2020.

  1. ljvb

    ljvb Well-Known

    Feb 14, 2019
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    Can be bought here (6 Pack Universal CNC Controller by Bart Dring on Tindie), but I am posting the link for the details there (I have no connection, and it is not an affiliate link as far as I know).

    It is modular and based on the ESP32. I'm considering this over the prebuilt controllers because it supports various drivers, and specifically for me, the TMC5160 Trinamic drivers. IO modules, pwm, relay, bunch of others, all open source so you can design your own stuff. Also has a built in SD, and the esp32 has wifi and bt.
    The guys github page has all of the board specs, so you could build your own if you want.

    Since it is also based on the ESP32_GRBL firmware.. it would not be a stretch to implement the openbuilds control software to work with it... the last part is optional, CNCJs would work with it just as easily.

    Total cost for the lead would approach the same cost as the Xpro v5 due in Dec, or the Blackbox, but it is reasonably future proof, as you can replace the modules, upgrade the ESP module or IO modules as your needs grow.... If you skip the expensive TMC driver (go with the 2208 or 2209 instead of the 5160) you could drop the price to sub $100, but the 5160s are about $20 a piece, vs $5 to $8 a piece of the others.

    I'm particularly interested in the 5160 (although I believe the 2208/2209 have it as well), that will do sensorless homing (no limit switches I think), and auto squaring.... As well as being able to drive significantly larger steppers as I think the 5160 supports up to 20A !!! (this assumes whomever makes the pololu style modules includes the correct circuitry, so far the ones I came across supports 3 to 5A)

    6 Pack Universal CNC Controller by Bart Dring on Tindie
    Mark Carew likes this.
  2. Mark Carew

    Mark Carew OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Jun 28, 2013
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    We have been following this on as well as it looks like it will adapt to OpenBuilds machine making perfectly :thumbsup:
  3. JustinTime

    JustinTime Veteran

    Dec 18, 2013
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    The specs say that it will support a MOSFET capable of 20A and these MOSFET are quite big. Probably will never work on a Pololu type driver but still, 4.2A that they can deliver now is quite respectable and in line with most high end drivers.
  4. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Aug 6, 2013
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    all ok except for those tiny stepper drivers, they are great for 3D printers, not great for routers since you need 2.5 to 3 amps and they cannot do it.
    however, you CAN use those sockets to interface to external DQ542 or similar drivers.
    Rick 2.0 likes this.
  5. JustinTime

    JustinTime Veteran

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Actually the TMC5160 are rated 4.2A. I'm sure you'll have to have a fan blowing on them but I have it anyway on my 3d printer.
    Mark Carew likes this.
  6. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Aug 6, 2013
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    oh wow, that is a nice development
  7. ljvb

    ljvb Well-Known

    Feb 14, 2019
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    According to the specs from the datasheet..

    As was noted further up, this may be a problem for the pluggable modules due to the size of the components needed to support the high current. Regardless, the feature set on the TMC chips, even running at 4.2A, make them an attractive option.
  8. phil from seattle

    phil from seattle Journeyman

    Mar 17, 2017
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    I looked at the datasheet and it only claims 20A with external mosfets. Where does it say 4.2A? Also, those sockets don't look particularly special to me - I'd be surprised if they supported that much current. Pin headers start to glow at about 3A.
    Peter Van Der Walt likes this.
  9. ljvb

    ljvb Well-Known

    Feb 14, 2019
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    The pololu modules that Bigtree and a few others have made using the TMC chips seem limited to 4.2a based on their designs.
  10. phil from seattle

    phil from seattle Journeyman

    Mar 17, 2017
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    OK, well that answers it. Those Chinese products are guilty of wishful specs. Look at the TB6600 drivers that are all over amazon/ebay/ali-whatever. Supposedly 4.5A but don't even use the Toshiba TB6600 chip and the one they do use is only good for 3.0 Amp. I did a tear down on one here.

    The issue is heat production and the Step Stick format simply doesn't have enough surface area to handle more than a couple of Watts of dissipation. Those little heat sinks they ship with them are simply not going to do it. Even with forced air. There is a reason why drivers like the DM542 have a heat sink bigger than an arduino mega.
  11. ljvb

    ljvb Well-Known

    Feb 14, 2019
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    I don't think there is anything stopping us from using a bigger board and custom heatsink... with a ribbon cable or other wiring connecting the the module slot on the 6pack.how hard would it be to take the bigtree one and just spec up a larger board with bigger mosfets and heatsinks to take advantage of the higher current rating and bigger steppers.. That or build an external driver based on the TMC chip similar to the 6600 or DM542.

    The thing that attracts me to this board, is that the TMC chips, even running at a lower current, which for me is more than enough right now as I only have the high torque nema 23s that came as part of the lead 1010 kit, is the feature set, which no other chip can even come close to in the hobby price range.

    I wonder how hard it would be to design an external TMC5160 based driver.. as far as I can tell as I could not find any, there are no external drivers based on it at the moment...
  12. phil from seattle

    phil from seattle Journeyman

    Mar 17, 2017
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    The datasheet has a fair amount of detail. Take a look at the Breakout Board. It could be pretty easily adapted.
  13. ljvb

    ljvb Well-Known

    Feb 14, 2019
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    The break out board seems to be pretty limited. I may have a degree in Elec Eng.. but I got it like 25 years ago.. and never used it a day in my life (I went into IT and kinda never looked back).. go figure.,... but if I read it right, the BoB has tiny mosfets limiting it to 2.8 volts.. now the question is.. is that per phase (so 5.6 for 2 phase steppers).. or total..

    Also, I never noticed.. but Trinamic includes builds of materials and pcb gerbers/schematics..... That seems nice of them.. or is that something common by chipset developers these days....
  14. phil from seattle

    phil from seattle Journeyman

    Mar 17, 2017
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    The EV boards are intended to be used as a basis for products so the docs for most of them include schematics and BoMs. A lot of them include CAD files (though never Kicad, it seems). The AO4882 mosfets are like 8A/40V - datasheet here Wish they had used some that are a little more common.
  15. ljvb

    ljvb Well-Known

    Feb 14, 2019
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    I have both KiCad and Eagle.. been playing around with the modules and 6 pack board.. which apparently was designed with Diptrace.. which I tried to use on my mac, to export into a format that eagle could read.. but Eagle does not like the export from diptrace..

    For shits and giggles, I tries taking what Mr Dring posted to his github and upload it to jlcpcb.. and half the components are missing.. I wonder who he used for pcb manufacturing. He has not responded to my comments on his recent post to youtube which shows his 6 pack using the Kress/AMB ATC spindle, he was demoing the 6 pack board with ATC.. I have a similar non ATC AMB spindle, but per my other thread, have been having problems connecting it. his PWM module supports 0-10V, but I apparently also need a 10 to 26v reference single.. not sure if I can use any reference source (even directly from the PSU) or it has to be tied into the PWM circuity.
  16. Rob Taylor

    Rob Taylor Master

    Dec 15, 2013
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    I'm not sure I'm getting it. The pluggable modules are a nice theory, but none of them really seem super optional for basic functionality, and are quite expensive addons, so why introduce the failure point at all? Conversely, the driver headers definitely should be modular so stepsticks are a choice- either a stepstick board or just a straight step/dir terminal board. 0.1" pin headers are awful to interface with for external drivers. It just seems like the worst of all worlds in a fairly messy package.

    The "linearized" driver supply rail (at least, that's what I'm assuming from all the caps) is an interesting theory, though it'd arguably be better as a standalone external component.

    I dunno. The germ of the idea is interesting, but I'd like to see it heavily terminalized, the optos and buffers built right in, and the size of the thing probably cut in at least half- too much BOM and board space on optional things, not enough on what should be mandatory things. To be this "pluggable", there's almost no reason to buy it at all, it barely accomplishes anything more than some stripboard and a handful of header strips. It could be a really beefy interface for the ESP32 board, which is really all that's required.

    A term-to-term stepstick board could be interesting as a modular addon. Shame terminal plugs don't come inverted (that I'd seen) where the through-hole leg is on the plug, and the socket is screw terminal'd.

    [EDIT: Decided to Google "inverted terminal plugs" on a whim anyway... They totally exist. That's the way I would go. Board-to-board stepstick breakout, or straight wiring to externals]

    There are TMC5160 BOBs for $20 at the usual places- easy to add terminals, heatsinks and cases to. No need to reinvent the wheel, at least at that stage of the design process.
  17. phil from seattle

    phil from seattle Journeyman

    Mar 17, 2017
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    Continuing my earlier point, the problem with the step stick format is that it just doesn't go much beyond 1A. It's physics... Those old TB6600 drivers (ones based on the real through hole chip) had adequate contact area to extract multiple watts of heat to a heat sink and thus cool the chip. And a design that allows tightly clamping the package to the heat sink. The surface mounted chips used on stepsticks just don't have a big enough of channel to extract the heat to a radiator heat sink. You can push the boundaries with forced air cooling but the bottleneck is the chip package.

    As to the "motherboard" approach, it's got some appeal but I agree that pin and socket adds failure risk. Or perhaps I should call it reliability risk. Plus, it isn't cost competitive versus a product that has the needed components on the base board. Perhaps the idea is that there are so many competing requirements that there would have to be a lot of different designs. One of the reasons I only make a 5 Axis BoB rather than 3, 4 and 5 Axis versions is that the incremental cost of an extra axis is minimal.
  18. Rob Taylor

    Rob Taylor Master

    Dec 15, 2013
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    I agree with your overall point, I'm not a huge stepstick fan either except where portability would be paramount, but I'd probably quibble a little on this one- LGA isn't much different to SMD in terms of physical board relationship, and you can extract tens of watts from an LGA device. It's all about whether the chip is properly designed for heat extraction and whether the board is engineered to do so (and some surface area considerations). Typically you get more heat out of the base of an IC than the top casing, so heavy isolated copper pours leading to heat pipes are the way to go (in *addition* to top cooling... LGA processors still have those!). There's limited space (maybe budget too) to do that kind of thing in a stepstick, where the larger format of an external driver allows for a reasonable spacing around the driver IC to get heat out both above and below. So you can totally use an SMD driver, but it has to be designed like an SMD project, not shoehorned into a through-hole project like the "TB6600"s.

    More accurate, yeah. I'd like to see more positive connection options as plug choices, either way.

    I thought about this but it doesn't seem to pass even a cursory consideration- machine tools have 3-5 axes, material manipulator robots have 3-6 axes, camera motion rigs have 3-6 axes... There's really no reason to include at least 3 axes' worth of components by default- it's cheaper and likely covers 70-95% of use cases- the BlackBox, essentially, but with more options. Axes 4-6 should be a single board option too- there are likely just as many people making 6-axis robots as are adding rotary axes to 3-axis routers.

    I think that makes sense. It's designed for machine tools, just throw it all in for negligible BOM cost and save on volume.
  19. phil from seattle

    phil from seattle Journeyman

    Mar 17, 2017
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    Well, maybe but look at the TB6600 package - It's got mounting slots on either side that allow clamping to a heat sink. Whereas any SMD chip is is reliant on the PCB being pulled tightly against the heat sink. That places limits on how much pressure can be safely applied without bending the FR4 and a bit trickier to get the surface coplanar/flat against the heatsink. Also the TB6600 package has about 6X the surface area of the stepstick class of stepper driver chips. Unfortunately, Toshiba doesn't publish thermal resistance specs so a proper comparison is difficult to do.

    Yup. At least put 3 Axes on the base board. Perhaps that upsets the symmetry of it all or makes the true cost more apparent?
    Rob Taylor likes this.
  20. ljvb

    ljvb Well-Known

    Feb 14, 2019
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    Well this conversation went further than I was expecting.

    I think the attractiveness of the board is simply start small, and add on as needed. Or mix and match. And honestly, I priced out the board, including the developer flashing and providing the esp32 module at almost 3 times the price we can get it for, with 4 5160 modules, 1 pwm, and it came to about 130, same functionality that the black box and xpro provides, at about 40 to 50$ less.

    suita my needs, and when it’s time to replace something, or I add more axis, or I want to switch to external drivers, or new modules developed include a screen or other things that may be useful, I don’t have to throw away an entire unit and start from scratch.

    Is this thing perfect, nope, nothing really ever is. Is it cost effective, that might depend on how you configure it.
    But it’s an option that can scale as a user needs without having to start over each time.

    I’ve been researching adding a small spi/i2c touchscreen.. combine that with the built in SD card, and you completely remove the need for a pc and in my case, troublesome usb (the xpro and my Mac really don’t like the 3 different usb c adapters I have to use, I constantly have to move to a different port on my MacBook Pro or the ftdi serial interface does not show up).
  21. ljvb

    ljvb Well-Known

    Feb 14, 2019
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    I think doing so more defeats the point, you can choose your drivers, building them in, even just a base 3 axis, means he is picking them for you, and if he ads the option to do so on the delivery checkout of whatever site he sells through, it’s added work for him. I’m guessing this is not his day job, although I suspect design is his day job (I have seen his work around DEFCON a few times), or he is just really good at his hobby.
  22. Rob Taylor

    Rob Taylor Master

    Dec 15, 2013
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    You didn't add any IO modules, which means all of your IO is unprotected and on header pins instead of terminal blocks. Which is A) a fairly terrible idea (I bet pretty much everyone on this forum has destroyed multiple Arduinos at this point) and B) is not an apples-to-apples comparison to the BlackBox, which includes IO protection and terminals. At $20 a pop for those opto/buffer boards, and needing at least one, probably two, that's not looking quite so inexpensive any more.

    If you really think it works for you at a price you like, no one here's going to disagree. Hell, I use Mesa cards and I've destroyed two of those at $100 a pop. Hardware dies or is the wrong thing sometimes, it's all part of the learning process. But I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss the institutional knowledge that's built up here either. There's a reason we bring up these concerns (even if we do sometimes find a semi-related rabbit hole to dig down).

    The scalability was one of the parts I liked about it. But given that without 3 axes of motion control, basic limit/probing/spindle control/coolant ports, and an actual processor to run the code, it's not actually a solution in itself and builds unnecessary costs (BOM, pick'n'place setups, multiples of masks, etc- parts of the board manufacturing process that do not scale well at all) that get passed along to the user. So, designed properly with users in mind and not either some arbitrary sense of "freedom" or the number of items in a shopfront, 3 axis should be a baseline, not a target. Phil also designs 32-bit hobby CNC hardware, so I'm guessing he knows the exact process quite well.

    Scaling from 3 to 4-6 axes is a great option. Scaling from 0 to 3 axes and from "no IO" to "basic IO" isn't really a feature at all, it's an irritation. If I only needed one axis I'd get an Arduino and a driver and that's it (that's how my camera slider worked).

    That would be good, I'm guessing (because if I needed this type of solution, I'd go grblHAL on Teensy 4.1, but I don't so I don't have a horse in this race) the ESP32 could handle it. USB issues are the worst.

    No one's talking about building in the drivers. In fact, I semi-regularly criticize it on the BlackBox. :p We're talking about stepstick driver chips vs external box driver chips and the physical parameters/limitations of each within the confines of their operating locations.

    Fact is, stepsticks just generally struggle to dissipate heat above an amp or two, whether they're rated for 4A or not. That's not great for running NEMA 23s. Neither is being limited to only 24V in my book, but that's a trait it shares with the BlackBox so that's apples-to-apples for purchasing.

    Many excellent hardware developers are terrible hardware designers, just like many excellent software developers are terrible software designers. Two different skill sets, usually requiring multiple people. He may be a designer but struggle to start from scratch with no inputs, altogether possible. May make a cool system, but doesn't work from a user experience point of view. Either one is perfectly normal, happens all the time.
  23. ljvb

    ljvb Well-Known

    Feb 14, 2019
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    All valid points. the Mesa cards are also on my list of possibilities. Hell, I am more comfortable in linux/FreeBSD than I am in other operating environments. I dunno now.. when I gain employment (sucks getting laid off), I might try this and the Mesa and play around with it.
  24. phil from seattle

    phil from seattle Journeyman

    Mar 17, 2017
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    LOL, same thing for a camera star tracker I built - Nano and a TMC2209 step stick (soldered in place, though). I'm always learning but one thing that has become clear to me - the cost between 3 axes and 5 or 6 is, literally, 10s of pennies of BoM cost. The cost of a 2 pin screw terminal in small volumes is $0.06 and that's one of the more expensive items. As a HW designer, I make a lot of decisions for the user. I think flexibility is good but I also want my users to have a good experience. That's why I avoid pin headers for most of the I/O. Screw terminals make the board more expensive (my Teensy BoB has 32 2-pin STs, you can do the math) but after a couple of hundred sold, I have had zero complaints about that. I'm still debating whether to offer a board that takes step sticks. I know I am losing sales because of it but am not sure I want to play in that market. I see a lot of unhappy people that have chosen them inappropriately.
  25. ljvb

    ljvb Well-Known

    Feb 14, 2019
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    Well.. build on this :)

    Honestly, the Mesa boards are my ideal solution.. but I have not been able to find external drivers I like, like the 5160 or even the 2208/9 (I think is is 22... cannot remember) that have the features I want.. Does the Mesa board even support SPI/I2C... Maybe I'll go look tonight after I finish a few christmas ornaments..
  26. Rob Taylor

    Rob Taylor Master

    Dec 15, 2013
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    What do you like so much about them? As I recall, there was another discussion around here not too long ago that ended up teasing out that the sensorless homing isn't all that reliable as a feature. Sounds great on paper, but in practice we found a surprising amount of people who just couldn't tune the sensing parameters to get consistent results. The 4A rating may be true at the transistor level, but we're pretty dubious about it from a physical package perspective; stepsticks are just hard to adequately cool. You could machine a dedicated enclosure for them, but at that point both cost- and size-wise you may as well have just bought some external drivers.

    Mesa serial is RS422. You could probably bit-bang I2C if you tried, but it's probably not worth the hassle. Mesa cards are intended as actual industrial-grade equipment; all buffered and terminal'd, 8-32V IO (for 12/24V signal gear... I didn't realise how bad 5V signalling is for noise, even with best practices- no going back now!). The question would be how to interface with it; they're FPGAs, not MCUs, so you wouldn't be running grbl. Though I suppose you could, technically, use an ESP32 or Teensy running a 32-bit grbl, make a BOB for it to a pair of 25-pin parallel ports, and then use non-FPGA Mesa daughtercards as IO. Not sure how you'd access the serial though, you have to initialize that within the HostMot environment and set the card mode at the same time.

    I guess it really depends on what you're trying to do, and what performance level you're trying to hit. It's always best to work backwards from the end result.
    Peter Van Der Walt likes this.
  27. JustinTime

    JustinTime Veteran

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Rob, from my point of view, the attraction of the TCM stepstick drivers is that the steppers run quieter, way quieter, then the other driver. It may not make much of a difference in an environment where spindle and the dust remover make more noise then the stepper combined but it may play a role in big 3d printer and similar machines.
    Rob Taylor likes this.
  28. phil from seattle

    phil from seattle Journeyman

    Mar 17, 2017
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    For step sticks, the TCM based products are the best. While lower noise is desirable, they are also much smoother than others. In my star tracker, I started out with a 4988 SS and at the finest step rate (1:16) they were just too "jerky", even with significant gearing down, to keep the camera steady for long timed exposures. I was about to junk the stepper approach and move to a DC motor but tried a TMC2208. The difference was simply amazing. I was able to use 1:8 microstepping for long exposures and no camera shake. This was in "compatibility" mode as a drop-in replacement. I believe it is their "Spreadcycle" feature that makes the difference. I also tried an 8825 based SS and it was similar to the 4988 - unusable.

    For low power applications, TMC step sticks rock.
  29. Rob Taylor

    Rob Taylor Master

    Dec 15, 2013
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    Definitely agree with this, as far as I can without direct experience. I've seen a lot of places about how smooth and quiet they are. My Ender 3 Pro is in an enclosure, or I might have considered swapping them out on that too. Would have been nice vs my a4988 Black Edition (which was a pretty decent option at the time!) on my slider too.

    But yeah, anything that's cutting, you have bigger problems than stepper noise, which is why I hadn't brought it up previously. I'd also be somewhat inclined to question their ability to maintain smoothness at higher power levels, simply due to power transmission physics.
    Peter Van Der Walt likes this.
  30. ljvb

    ljvb Well-Known

    Feb 14, 2019
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    I guess I like the idea of the product more than the implementation. Things always look good on paper. When I first got my lead with xpro v3, without doing any research, I setup linixcnc, only to realize it would not work (poor move on my part as an IT security specialist for 20+ years, I should have known better). I ended up using an RPI with POE hat and iscsi boot of FreeBSD running cncjs for a while, till a failed storage array upgrade went sideways and I lost all my iscsi drives (my nfs, smb and afs storage are fault tolerant, but all my iscsi storage uses straight striping with no backup because I was lazy, which is stupid because I have two storage arrays and all I had to do was setup zfs replication... and now I went off on a serious tangent).

    move always been a fan of modularity, implementation is of course important, and like I said previously, I never used any of my EE degree and have forgotten most of it :/

    the end result will eventually be a larger machine, similar to what Sam posted in his 4x8 build thread, larger closed loop steppers (probably still in the nema23 range, I really like the Clearpath motors, not too expensive, but not cheap, or maybe I have just been sold by their marketing). I’m the idiot who likes commercial grade industrial or business class crap (see example below.. how many people have data center servers with 10gig network switches and fiber....) Oddly, this shares the same space as my workshop, cnc, which is just missing a drill press at the moment (may go with a grizzly g0704 mill/press)..

    David the swarfer likes this.

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