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What's your maker space/workshop look like?

Discussion in 'General Talk' started by stargeezer, Sep 9, 2015.

  1. stargeezer

    stargeezer Journeyman

    Feb 20, 2015
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    I'm fascinated with how different people make things. Here we have a group of people from around the world who have a love of making things and building and using CNC machines.

    With the possible exception of a young guy in a city apartment that means you have someplace to work besides the kitchen table or living room floor. :) We all call them our workshop no matter where they are or how the rest of the family see the space. They may call it a basement or garage or utility room or just a closet, but to us it's our "Holy of Holies", our inner sanctum, the place we block out the cares of the day and join hands with makers, builders and creators through the ages.

    Well, perhaps that's a bit too far - But not too far.

    Therefore in order to share a bit about how I work I'm going to start things off with 2 of my 3 work areas. I'll follow that up with my third worksapace. I don't do much there that has anything to do with CNC. That space is a 30x50' building that houses my pottery. Yes, from the lowest of all hand crafts to high tech homebuilt CNC's. Some days I never know which millennia I will wake up in. Due in no small part to a very tolerant wife, I can bridge the gap. Or at least I try.

    How about sharing your special place with the rest of us and pictures tell the tale.
    Joe Santarsiero likes this.
  2. stargeezer

    stargeezer Journeyman

    Feb 20, 2015
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    These first three are in the room I make most of the 3d printers I build for myself and others. I really enjoy building these and have built quite a few this year. I also repair DaVinci XYZ printers for F&F. The one you see on the cart is getting complete upgrade to a new processor and main board, power supply, extruder and rewire.




    These next photos are in our garage. We've never parked a car in there, so I thought it would make a good place for my CNC's. There are a scattered number of power tools here to and as soon as I can get a bit more stuff out of there that has nothing to do with CNC, I'll move some out of the pottery,




    #2 stargeezer, Sep 9, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2015
    Kyo, GrayUK, dddman and 1 other person like this.
  3. bunty

    bunty New

    Aug 28, 2015
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    Wow amazing space and I see a lot of "raw material" waiting for creative ideas to take make use of it :) along with the "tools" for the job. I do not know where you are based but I am in a falt so space is a bit of a crunch. Fortunately, luck me, I have a very supportive better half. In my earlier flat, rather having my things all over, I was given the option of converting one of the three baths into a work area. It was 8ft x 5ft; small but was a good get away and allowed me to keep half my in progress projects open, without the need to pack them up. My currency flat has a study room (8ft x 10ft), which is my work area. Will send out pictures of the same later...

    PS: You seem to be a HAM radio enthusiast also?
  4. stargeezer

    stargeezer Journeyman

    Feb 20, 2015
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    Yes I am, although I don't get on the air as much as I once did. Life's short and there's so much to build. :) AA9VE BTW, A 8x10 is a nice sized space. I admit it, I'm spoiled with space. we have a large home on a nice sized lot and since the kids are gone the wife and I have tended to spread out. The room that I use for radios and 3d printer work was once my daughters bedroom.

    Best wishes
  5. bunty

    bunty New

    Aug 28, 2015
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    Here are some pics of my 8 x 10 getaway :)

    IMG_9092.JPG IMG_9094.JPG IMG_9093.JPG
  6. stargeezer

    stargeezer Journeyman

    Feb 20, 2015
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    HaHaHa! My other addiction. :) Now, if you just lived in central Illinois we'd have a good time. Actually I haven't flown anything in a long time. My reaction times are not what they once were. Looks like a lot of fun and your plate maker is going to save a lot of time and money.
    #6 stargeezer, Sep 12, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2015
  7. Kyo

    Kyo Veteran
    Staff Member Builder Resident Builder

    Feb 27, 2014
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    Nice work space guys, I am a bit embarrassed with mine it is cluttered as all get out. 8x8 spare room turned into my place to make things.

    Can not complain to much. What I lack in inside space, I make up for in outdoor with a 360 degree view of peace and quiet :)
  8. stargeezer

    stargeezer Journeyman

    Feb 20, 2015
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    I'd say you have room to expand! No matter how big or small a workspace we have, the important thing is to create and to learn. I'd say you have your place in the sun.
  9. DarkAlchemist

    DarkAlchemist Well-Known

    Aug 2, 2014
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    I am drooling over your space.
  10. DarkAlchemist

    DarkAlchemist Well-Known

    Aug 2, 2014
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    My dream has always been to live in a place like that with not a soul around me for miles (kilometers) and having about 40 solar panels up with some wind turbines and just enjoying life. The problem has always been no way to get paid and/or no water on the land.

    I envy you.
  11. Kyo

    Kyo Veteran
    Staff Member Builder Resident Builder

    Feb 27, 2014
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    100% agree, I can be in there for hours just tinkering away. Even when I do stuff wrong what I learn in the process and the fun had is always worth it.

    I am definitely blessed to be able to make it work out here. Being out in the dessert has it's down sides, sure. But after living in some larger cities like Seattle and Austin growing up. I am as happy as can be on the family property. I am not well suited to the hustle and bustle of city life. Nearest town is 15 miles ( 24 kilometers ) away and has a population of 1,500 or so. Downside everyone knows everyone, Upside everyone knows everyone lol.
    GrayUK likes this.
  12. DarkAlchemist

    DarkAlchemist Well-Known

    Aug 2, 2014
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    As I said I would much prefer to live like that than in the middle of a rat colony (urban area). Sad that in this day and age we still have to huddle together in enormous mass because that is where the money is to live on. :( 21st century and all but I do expect, if WWIII doesn't wipe us out back to the stoneage, by the 22nd century that will not be the case.

    Desert Upside is a great place for wind turbines closer to ground level and solar panels which both of those remove you from the grid plus the lack of humans if you choose.
    Desert Downside is the lack of potable water and other amenities that we city folk take for granted and lack of money making for 99% of the population.

    I over simplified the above but those are the big ones that stand out at first site.

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