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OXcalculator - Bill of Material and Cost calculator v1b006 (xls + ods)

OXcalculator - Your computer figures out the parts you need to build your OX by giving it X, Y & Z

  1. Serge E.

    Serge E. Journeyman

    May 6, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Maybe I had not noticed earlier, but the ODS version seems to have problems showing the fractional form of measurements (inches). The few in upper right corner of OXcalculator are now random attempts :confused: while those in the newly added Stepper+ calculator stay with decimal format :(. One more reason to start looking at making this into a web format before too long. :rolleyes: I will need to allow each individual to save various scenarios at that point ... don't want to see you retype everything each time, eh ?
  2. mythrandir52


    Mar 26, 2015
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    the spread sheet is locked to size and position from the left magin of excel. It makes it continiously go off the screen to the right and was very difficult to get to the bottom of the form to change tabs. I had to rotate my monitor and change the screen orientation.
  3. SteveJ

    SteveJ New

    Apr 2, 2015
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    Exactly ^^^^ this. I,ve just wasted a lot of time on it. As it stands at the moment it is useless.
    Perhaps you should withdraw it until it is fit for purpose. or supply the password so people can modify it to suit themselves and actually use it. Open build indeed :(
  4. Serge E.

    Serge E. Journeyman

    May 6, 2014
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    That's odd, as it is not behaving like that on my machines, locked or unlocked. I can zoom, move, etc. with no issues. In fact, in the last release it even allows to click in locked cells (but not edit the content), so it should be even easier to move around.

    What version of Excel are you using ? I just tripled check again on my MacBook with MS Office 2011 (latest updates done). I will need to remote to my Windows machine at work to check with various MS Office version for Windows XP and 7.

    As I pointed out in an earlier post, the ODS version is behaving weird as of late. I have LibreOffice just to convert the Excel to a ODS format. But there as well, locked or unlocked, I can zoom and move around with no issues.
  5. Dale Mahan


    Mar 29, 2015
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    Can't seem to get the OXCalculator working. When I try to put an X length in the spreadsheet, I get an error message saying the cell is locked. When I try to unlock, I am asked for a password that I don't know. Please see the attachment OXCalc.png
  6. Serge E.

    Serge E. Journeyman

    May 6, 2014
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    Now I see you are having the problem on the second tab/worksheet, the one for the stepper related calculations. I was looking for the problem on the main tab (the OXcalculator itself). If you look carefully at the Stepper+ calculator worksheet (the one shown in your screen capture), the X, Y and Z cells are column titles ... no data is required here. Data goes in the yellow'ed cells based on the spec sheet(s) for the stepper(s) you are using or planning to use. The default values are those for the steppers I am using, as shown in the reference cells (part numbers acting as links to web pages over at www.omc-stepperonline.com).

    Maybe I saved it with this worksheet open by default ? My bad if I did, sorry. I'll reword the 'description' cell to remind users to go to the other worksheet ...

    Check at the bottom (in Excel at least). There should be two tabs. One names OXcalculator (if memory serves me right - I am at work right now). It is not visible in your screen capture as you probably have to adjust the window size. Click on that tab and you will be at the OXcalculator worksheet page where you CAN enter the X, Y and Z dimensions of your OX to get a BoM worked out automagically for you. You will need to tweak the pricing and such to match your sources (I'll be updating default OBPS pricing).

    Sorry for the confusion.
  7. jnutt

    jnutt New

    Apr 15, 2015
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    I'm having same issue as Dale Mahan. There is no way to get to the first sheet. Is anyon else having this issue? Was there a solution?
  8. Serge E.

    Serge E. Journeyman

    May 6, 2014
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    This seems related to the screen resolution I have and that of the few who are having problems seeing what I see. You should be able to 'fix' that by forcing your Excel to redraw its screen. You should be able to flip between 'maximized' and 'windowed' to get Excel to consider your monitor's resolution/size.

    All I did on the protection/restriction is make it less restrictive and suddenly a few are reporting the inability to reach areas of it.

    I'll give it a look at work tomorrow with different machines (different resoluiton). I'm running an older MacBook 13" at... 1280 x 800. What is your screen set at, out of curiosity ?
  9. Serge E.

    Serge E. Journeyman

    May 6, 2014
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    You could also just use the good old shortcut keys : CTRL+PageUp and CTRL+PageDown to switch between worksheets. The first goest left to right while the other goes the other way. The OXcalculator tab/worksheet is the leftmost while the Stepper+ is 2nd ... there should only be these two worksheets/tabs. I forget if Excel round robbins once at the far left or far right. Here's one of many list of shortcut keys which were still good in Excel 2010 :

    As for the resolution 'bug', :oops:, I'll be a monkey's uncle ! Turns out I had somehow blocked the "structure" ! Thus unable to resize or do much of anything on the second worksheet (Stepper+) although it was fine on the first, if one could get to it. Otherwise, the protection needs to be done one worksheet at time ... I must of tried a shortcut or some other stupid late night move. :oops: :banghead: :oops:

    The update will be up in a few minutes ...
  10. Serge E.

    Serge E. Journeyman

    May 6, 2014
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    Serge E. updated OXcalculator - Bill of Material and Cost calculator with a new update entry:

    1000 lashes ... removed "structure lock", all should be well now.

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  11. Strooom

    Strooom New

    Feb 28, 2015
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    I was using the OxCalculator to cross-check the actual delivered parts from my V-Slot europe order.
    Doing so I found 2 numbers which look incorrect, (but maybe its just my incomplete understanding of the OX... )

    SHC screw : M3 x 45 mm | NEMA 17 @ : 4 | 4

    I think the top/bottom plates of the Z-axis only accomodate 3 (instead of 4) of those bolts.

    SHC screw : M5 x 65 mm | X wheels @ : 1 | 8

    I think you need only 4 (instead of 8) of those : there are 2 X-wheels on 1 bolt
  12. jnutt

    jnutt New

    Apr 15, 2015
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    Thanks, seems to work great now!
  13. Serge E.

    Serge E. Journeyman

    May 6, 2014
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    Thanks for the catch, I'll have to double check and possibly adjust or at least explain the difference ...
  14. Hackscribble


    Mar 22, 2015
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    Hi Serge. The spreadsheet specifies three pieces of 20x60 for the X axis beam (two pieces) and rear support. The Build 81 model has the rear support as 20x40. Using 20x60 for the support looks like it will block the cable access hole on the Y axis plate. Or do people run the cables through the larger hole higher up on the Y plate?
  15. Hackscribble


    Mar 22, 2015
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    Another thing maybe to clarify / fix. The comment against 8mm screws (cell A52) says "6mm plates require 10mm here". I think this only applies to some of the screws in this row. There still need to be some 8mm screws (e.g. for holding the cast 90 brackets onto the t-nuts).
  16. Serge E.

    Serge E. Journeyman

    May 6, 2014
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    I used the 20x60 and the cable 'chain' is resting on it nicely. the Z and X wiring neatly packed in... Nothing preventing the use of just a 20x40 to save couple $.

    I also run the wiring for far Y stepper through one of the other two lengths. but need to use quick disconnects just for the day you might need to change something.
  17. Serge E.

    Serge E. Journeyman

    May 6, 2014
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    Good point... I'll double check as I review for the next update of the calculator.
  18. Hackscribble


    Mar 22, 2015
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    Thanks, Serge. Makes sense.
  19. Marc-Olivier Blanc


    Jun 6, 2015
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    I like your file ! I really do.

    One thing though : why is it protected ? is there a particular reason for that ?

    I understand the concept of protecting the cells in order to guide the user towards the use intended for the file. I do that a lot too, and for user not proficient in Excel macros or formula it is usually better. However, some small tweaks could be implemented without compromising the integrity of the tool.

    For instance I would have liked to implement the possibility to add hyperlinks to the source column and discovered I wasn't able to. not a big deal but slightly annoying.

    Anyways, despite this little drawback I still like it very much :p. I'll just have to be patient ;).

    Thanks again for the great job.

    Take care,
  20. Serge E.

    Serge E. Journeyman

    May 6, 2014
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    The protection is mostly to avoid ... errors in tweaking formulae. Some make references all over the sheet and one little mistake can really mess things up. A bit of Google'ing will get you a macro to unlock ANY Excel worksheet - Microsoft has little true security, makes a great target for hackers ...

    I'll be catching up on things here shortly. I will look at the unblocked cells. Like you point out, being able to add links would be a plus. I might of been a little strict on the blocking/unblocking of some cells.

    I'll be back ...
  21. R_B

    R_B New

    Jul 18, 2015
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    GREAT !!!
    I like it, of course.
    If I knew how to link the prices per part to the current prices on openbuilds' web site - I would DO that.
    I will probably TRY to do that anyway, but I'm just putting the idea out here - someone else will almost
    certainly get it working WELL before I do. :D
  22. Serge E.

    Serge E. Journeyman

    May 6, 2014
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    It is something in the back of my mind from early on ... maybe with the web version, which should make it much easier to extract the pricing info from OBPS web site.

    Right now I'm tweaking final version of my very first useful project - a sign for my niece's new business. Photos and movie follow later today in myOX build section ...
  23. daddywoofdawg


    May 20, 2014
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    Maybe I'm dense,but How/where do you change the sizes?I know the working size I need,but I don't see where I can enter that.Is there a how to use?
  24. Serge E.

    Serge E. Journeyman

    May 6, 2014
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    It's near the very top of the first page/tab of the spreadsheet. There should be an X, Y and Z entry cells hightlighted in yellow :


    All of the rest is more or less optional (defaults should be good for most basic OX configuration).

    You might be on the wrong page/tab ? The 2nd is for calculating some stepper related stuff.
  25. djseaas

    djseaas New

    Sep 7, 2015
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    It says I need password to open the files, can yo help please
  26. Serge E.

    Serge E. Journeyman

    May 6, 2014
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    That's odd. It might ask you for a password if you try to change a blocked cell. Any cell in ... yellow, you should be able to type in. Do not forget there are two worksheets, the first is the OXcalculator while the other is to help figure out some stepper parameters.

    Let me know if that was the problem (or not).

    I do have a few tweaks to do before updating the currently available file(s).
  27. Johnny Golden


    Mar 5, 2015
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    When I download the calculator and try to open it, excel keeps telling me the file is corrupt. Any suggestions?
  28. Serge E.

    Serge E. Journeyman

    May 6, 2014
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    Odd. I will have to check the ZIP file tonight and possibly refresh the upload for some reason. I might sneak in a few tweaks ...

    Sorry for delay in following up.
  29. Julius

    Julius Well-Known

    Nov 13, 2015
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    Are you still taking requests? I am ALMOST done my OXBuild (got belt off ebay, waited a month, still not here a week past latest day, so now I had to order it expiedited from the store and am hoping it's here in the next week so I can finally start cutting!)

    From top to bottom of sheet
    1) Work area. Offsets aren't easily available and should be inserted already. It says I have 120mm travel on a 250mm acme rod but thats wrong! I have (250 - (3x V wheels [10mm right?]+ the space between them)) My final work area is also A LOT smaller then what it is in reality! Should also add a note that you can hang things off the table?

    2) Work board dimensions are wrong. It must be the inside of the rails, not flush with since there are concentric wheels on the bottom. I guess this doesnt matter if you make first, measure after?

    3)An option to pick if you are even using cross members, and ask what dimension is is (or duplicate the X supports?)

    4)Timing belt length should be as on calculation, based on X+Y+Y +6" or so as extra and rounded to the nearest foot, since that is how you order it.

    4) Joining plates are used instead of cast corners (which are also annoying, you have to file off the tabs to use)

    5) FLEXIBLE COUPLING. This caused me to re-order! Make some sort of =vlookup so that IF we use a Nema 23 motor for the Z, to use a 1/4x8mm coupling! I had to bore mine out from 5mm and it is not square, so I ordered a proper one. Did not cross my mind while ordering parts.

    6)Default the nut block to the anti-backlash one! It's a 3$ difference and I was not even aware it was an option until AFTER i made my machine.

    7) Maybe add store links, by default for all the parts? Some of the things are called something else in the store and causes some confusion that does not have to be there.

    8) No m5x10mm screws listed. I would've enjoyed having a dozen or so to use instead of 8mm for some parts. I have WAY too many spare 8mm now that I am done.

    9) m5x25mm - Do not come with the wheel kits anymore, and the sheet should reflect that!

    10) Precision shims - confusing math. I in reality needed to buy 12 more but the sheet said I would have exta. I don't think it accounts for the extra 6 or so you need on your X gantry!

    11) Some sort of selection for power supply, when do you need 24V vs 12V?

    12) Row for G shield or arduino separately. Maybe a link on how to decide which to get?

    13)Flex chain isn't needed if you mount the arduino on the X rails like in the video. Make the sheet reflect this. Dress wiring is the same!

    14) Zip ties instead of velcro wraps, or list both to start.

    And thats about it :p
    If you'd like some assistance, in the open source way I'd have no issue implementing most of these for you.
  30. Serge E.

    Serge E. Journeyman

    May 6, 2014
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    That's fantastic feedback. Thanks for the list. Some of your suggestions are needed updates, while others get into a specific design and its requirements. I'll look them over as I review the current state of OXcalculator and possibly implement a few before tackling the next generation OXcalculator.

    Do not forget the note indicating that the OXcalculator is a guide based on a 'reference' OX build which is mostly myOX and the original OX. Also, at the time of the original OXcalculator design, OBPS was not selling all of the parts needed to build a machine. It is (was) better than the BOM which exist(ed) a when I got bit by the maker/builder bug ... over a year ago now.

    For example, the spoilboard dimensions calculated by the OXcalculator assumes it would be mounted underneath the frame as part of my original concept for myOX. So it is full width and length. It can be trimmed to fit on top, more like the original OX design, allowing for the Y gantry to move about. Or, as builders will be builders, any other dimensions and mounting. In fact, my original concept for myOX was an open top/bottom to work on material way thicker than what could fit under the X gantry. myOX currently has the spoilboard inside - flush with the spanners (no cross member) as well as the ability to go top less and reach as far down as the Z allows. As such, OXcalculator purposely avoided details of some aspects.

    The OXcalculator, as such, is meant as a guide reminding the user of just about everything needed, including the computer. Some aspects, like which controller, computer and software, are left to the builder. But, I agree, some suggestions / options and why they are being made would be of great help to some builders, especially the newcomers. It would get into aspects I don't think fits nicely into a manageable spreadsheet ...

    As I had mentioned in the initial description of the OXcalculator, the roadmap for its evolution goes as far as including the choice of gantry, plates, ... and even drawings and beyond. There is no reason it could not link or include the videos ! But there are no plans in making coffee or getting the beer out of the cooler. ;)

    Being a maker thing, there are a great number of variables. It won't be easy to satisfy every single one of them ...

    I am still looking into making a web version, allowing for more possibilities - the ones I initially mentioned in the roadmap, which includes and likely missed a few of your suggestions.

    Then came along the C-beam which was quickly followed by a truly complete kit (the plate cutter machine). The BOM and hunting down parts was 'no longer' needed. One could buy everything at once from one place at a reasonable cost. It can't get any easier than that, can it ? Of course, the kit is limited to one physical configuration. But one could modify after fact.

    OXcalculator reached a fork in the road ...

    As I don't like to redo things over and over (that's why a CNC machine is great in the first place), I'm in the slow (part time) process of planning the next big jump. The end result would be a program (web page from the user's perspective) to: pick a general configuration then pick related sub-assemblies then do the BOM. There would be a database describing each of the elements, from the overall configuration, to the sub-assemblies all the way to the individual parts and related material/info needed to arrive to the BOM and a pick list / order along with some form of guide (ex: links to video). If I do it right, it will handle 'any' build, not just the OX.

    And to think I did the OXcalculator, as it stands, AFTER I had myOX nearly completely done. I just wanted to 'pay forward' and try to help others avoid the ordeal I had gone through as a then complete newbie to making a build.

    Of course, with the right CAD program and skills, one should be able to virtually build their OX and get an exact BOM out of the CAD environment. A long long time ago, almost in a previous life now that I think of it, I did play with Autocad and one of its 'plugins' which did just that. I also played with a piece of software which allowed the same thing for home, deck & land scaping for average mortals like myself. OXcalculator does not even dream of becoming a poorman's version of those tools. But who knows what the future can bring ...

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