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building first machine - need advice

Discussion in 'Concepts and Ideas' started by Ettuf, Jul 1, 2022.

  1. Ettuf

    Ettuf New

    Jun 10, 2022
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    Hi all:

    I have never made or used a cnc router before but after alot of reading online i decided it would be a nice project with alot of learning along the way as i try to do it step by step.
    I have some CAD experience and allso some experience with 3d printing

    I hope someone more experienced will take a look at my plans so far and tell me what i can do better.

    So far i have started makeing my CAD design of the machine and are done with the basic frame build.

    I have yet to mount all the electronic´s (limit switch´s and such) but i hope to get some advice on my base build before putting more work into it in case of changes.

    Bearings are just for illustation as i dont know which ones ill use yet. Allso i plan to use flex couplings at the motors but they where not included in the stp or pdf for some unknown reason.

    The Rails are pre mounted on aluminium brackets and there are some holes for mounting but their location will depend on how i get them cut to length. I plan to use the premade holes for mounting as well as maybe makeing a few more.

    As i work with steel daily and have easy access to machines (no laser or such) i plan to make most in steel and bend the profiles myself and then connect some of it with small weldings.

    As for the wire´s i am planning to use a hose of some kind (garden hose?) and since i have a 3d printer i´ll make some guides for it and maybe just glue them on.

    The things i have bought so far:

    4x Rails with 2 slides each
    (SBR20 1200mm Linear Rail Optical Axis Guide with 2pcs SBR20UU Bearing Blocks)

    4x Nema23 stepper motors with some limit switches and control boards
    (TWO TREES® UNO CNC Kit with Controller + Shield + Nema 23 Stepper Motors + TB6600 + Limited Switches)

    1x Spindle
    (Machifit ER11 Chuck CNC 500W Spindle Motor with 52mm Clamps and Power Supply Speed Governor)

    The questions i have come up with so far:

    I am planning to use a Trapezoidal rod (TR10) since it is easy to get here. Are useing a steel nut as i have drawn ok or is a brass nut much better?
    If i can use a steel nut i am planning to fixate it with a small welding. Any better ideas?

    Are an MDF plate stong enough as a base for my machine?

    How much hight should i have on my Z axis?

    How high should the spindle be from base plate in the lowered position? (how long is a normal end mill?)

    What can i expect to be able to mill? / Are steel milling possible?

    Attached Files:

  2. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Checkout CNC Electronics Bundle

    As a beginner, also consider the advantages of a proven design: Machine Kits - OpenBuilds Part Store
  3. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Aug 6, 2013
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    I second the 'get a kit, follow the instructions' route. Much quicker, simpler, almost idiot proof and reduces the learning curve to a sensible line rather than a wavy moving target (-:

    I built my OX, had to make the plates and most of the bolts (M5 only sold in 2 lengths here, too short and too long), custom eccentric nuts because of the thickness of the MDF plates, and so it went. Took a long time.
    Peter Van Der Walt likes this.

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