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My Huanyang VFD with BlackBox and Interface Control EMI [Solved]

Discussion in 'General Talk' started by SlayreMan, Feb 26, 2021.

  1. SlayreMan

    SlayreMan New

    Aug 16, 2016
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    Just wanted to leave a note to an issue I had with a Huanyang Spindle and VFD EMI Problem on my modded Sphinx 1010.

    I was running an Xpro V3 board when I originally upgraded to the Huanyang (2.2KW 220V version) and I didn't seem to have any EMI issues. Upgraded to BlackBox and Control Interface and had EMI control issues.

    I wanted to upgrade to the BlackBox and the new Interface Control at the same time. The changeover and install went fairly well. I noticed an issue when I turned on the spindle. I would lose control of the interface and the buttons would no longer work until the spindle was turned off. When I tried connecting with a PC through the Interface Control, I had the same issue and the Openbuilds Control software would stop working. I knew this was an EMI issue, so I tried changing to nicer shielded cable, moved the VFD further away, and added an internal case ground for the Huanyang Spindle body (Who would've thought that the Pin 4 wasn't grounded at all ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ) . After all that, I STILL had an EMI issue. FYI I could run jobs with the Interface Control, but while the spindle was running, I was essential locked out of the controls and couldn't pause or adjust feeds/speeds on the fly

    After all of the other things I tried didn't work I decided to try something else. Although all of the power cables, etc. were routed far away from everything else, I still needed the Spindle cable from the VFD to the spindle. I
    had originally bundled it in the snake with all of the motor wires, etc. I ran a completely new spindle cable from the VFD overhead and down into the spindle and Presto.. No more EMI problems !!!

    Hope this helps someone else trying to trouble shoot these issues. Sorry such a long read.
    Mike P
    sharmstr and Peter Van Der Walt like this.
  2. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Lovely confirmation for those who don't want to put in the elbow grease to find where their VFDs are pushing the EMI into :)
    Glad you got it sorted!
  3. SlayreMan

    SlayreMan New

    Aug 16, 2016
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    Worth it in the end!
    Peter Van Der Walt likes this.
  4. Richard Stevens


    Sep 1, 2020
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    thanks for the detailed write up. I know that this is a bit older but I'd like to add to it. Before finding this post, I basically tried a similar setup.

    High quality shielded VFD-Spindle cable through the cable chains into the VFD. VFD was in the other end of the room. Shield grounded, Spindle grounded. Shields of all cables grounded except for the interface cable (which came unshielded via my source) and the openbuilds sensor cable (which also came unshielded via my source).

    I followed your steps and removed the VFD-spindle cable from the cable chain and, moved the VFD even further away. However still no luck. I re-checked continuity of all my cable shields with ground, all good but still no luck. In fact it was rather unpleasant as the machine went crazy and started moving on it's own even when the spindle was not running, VFD was just idle.

    As soon as I removed the interface and tried things with USB, everything seems to be fine. I haven't cut anything yet but movements work well and everything moves as expected, nothing acts up. Seems like Interface is extremely susceptible to EMI (which makes sense given what it does).

    Next steps:

    1.) Create a shielded cable for Interface (was thinking network cable as proper cable is still shipping)
    2.) Add ferrite beads once they arrive
    3.) Hide the VFD in grounded enclosure

    TL/DR: If your machine is going crazy from interference, try without Interface until the problem is fixed properly. Might enable cuts while you still chase down things.

    And a question. Any recommendation regarding the ferrites? Is just putting them arround the cable likely sufficient or are one or even two loops recommended?


  5. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Video below is a worthy watch, and don't forget that ANY cable could be the antenna - we've seen a case where a guy had a spare USB cable hanging out the front USB of his PC (for when he charges his phone, but mostly nothing plugged in, no EMI core, etc) and that was the forgotten source that kept catching EMI and making the PC's USB ports shutdown, despite adding Ferrites to all the other cables :) - sometimes its the less obvious things

    Also, Earthing the spindle properly - addresses 90% of EMI issues - fixing the source is better than addressing all the symptoms externally.

    The longer cable of the Interface is a little more susceptible yes (but fine if the EMI is within spec), but its still good to fix the source of the EMI - as even the USB that seems good now, may still encounter issues if the EMI is not addressed at the source. Or other issues like false limits triggers, etc
  6. Richard Stevens


    Sep 1, 2020
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    Thanks a lot, Peter, for once again providing great additional insight.

    Just did some test cuts with USB and they worked without a hitch (I get it, might still not be a sure thing :) ). Spending more time taming that noisy VFD is well worth the effort though as cutting with the spindle feels near silent compared to the shrieking Makita. It's like night and day, cool :)

    UPDATE: Latest cut was with the VFD-Spindle cable zip-tied to the X axis cable chain. still seems to be working.
    Peter Van Der Walt likes this.

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