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Shifting Origin at new Layer Depth

Discussion in 'General Talk' started by bludwig345, Nov 9, 2020.

  1. bludwig345


    Oct 28, 2020
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    Searching through the thread, I didnt see anyone with a similar problem, so here it goes. I was running a muti-depth cut, and the second layer shifted left for the entire layer. It was a long run, and the shift stayed consistent the entire time. I stopped the machine and went back to the origin, and it had obviously shifted as well in the x direction. Everything seems good and tight, and the fact that it was consistent across the entire second pass, and was running that way for almost an hour makes me think its not a hardware issue. I'm running Fusion 360 with the Openbuilds post processor, and obviously Openbuilds Control. Any thoughts?


  2. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Aug 6, 2013
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    X has missed steps, but Y has not. (assuming the offset is in X) . I think it is definitely hardware (-:
    do one or more of:
    increase the current on the blackbox.
    decrease acceleration on X, and maybe also the max feed rate.​
    I say the above because if it definitely lost steps 'between layers' then that is during a rapid move, which is affected only be maxrate and acceleration.

    if those dont help...
    reduce your stepover in fusion for a lighter cut load
    use a different strategy in fusion, with lower cut load (adaptive clearing instead of pocket, for example)
    make sure chips are removed during the cut, recutting chips is hard work and dramatically increases the 'cut depth'​

    If after all that you still think it is the Gcode, then post the Gcode so we can test it.
  3. Muthiah

    Muthiah New

    Jun 1, 2021
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    I am facing similar issue. I am new to using a cnc and open builds as well. (I am using workbee 1010)

    I am doing a job with two tool paths.
    - the first tool path of 20 minutes or so goes fine.
    - after tool change the second (59 minutes long as per open builds) runs okay for 45-50 minutes matching the first tool path
    - within last 15 to 20 minutes of second tool path I noticed the cuts start misaligning.
    - so I stop the job
    - bring x to 0 and y to 0
    - I notice the zero of x and y has shifted 10 to 15 mm.

    How do I troubleshoot?
    (I am using Vectric Aspire to export G-code)

    Help needed please.
  4. Alex Chambers

    Alex Chambers Master
    Moderator Builder

    Nov 1, 2018
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    @Muthiah, please give us some more info - what bit, feedrate, spindle/router speed, depth of cut?
    What controller/stepper drivers?

    There are many things that could cause this, but it looks as though you are missing steps - the controller is telling the machine to move but it isn't doing so. Each failure to move when told would be tiny, but they would gradually build up, unless the machine was prevented from moving for a brief period (cut too deep for example) and it lost that amount of movement in one go? - if you were watching it at that point it would have been noticeable.
    Have you adjusted the motor currents on your machine? - you may be lacking power.
  5. Muthiah

    Muthiah New

    Jun 1, 2021
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    Thanks for your quick response Alex,
    I see, so I am 'missing steps'.

    another friend suggested it could be physical issue - hence - tighten all nuts on the lead screws and gantry plates.
    >I have done that (including any nuts/screws along the frame, lead screws and axes motors)

    I felt may be the loose vacuum tube maybe obstructing movements by being minute friction by contact with various surfaces
    >I have made room for vacuum tube to move more freely without any friction from surfaces it may be touching.

    Currently running the job again to rule out these possibilities - I shall update in couple of hours if the same issue recurred

    As to the details you asked for :

    Toolbit 1: Ballnose 6.6mm Dia
    Toolbit 2: Straight End Mill 3.17mm Dia

    Feedrate: 80mm/sec

    Spindle/Router Speed: 20000 RPM

    Depth of cut total :7mm
    Depth of cut per pass : 3.5mm

    Material: MDF

    Controller: Blackbox Motion Control System

    Power Supply: 24V Meanwell Power Supply
    And the machine is connected to a Inverter Power supply

    I have not personally adjusted the currents to the motors on my machine.
    I will keep you posted how the trial go further
    based on info I have shared if you think I must adjust or change something, please let me know Alex.
  6. Muthiah

    Muthiah New

    Jun 1, 2021
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    As I am watching now:
    I am seeing the error building gradually
  7. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Aug 6, 2013
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    What is your ambient temperature?
    The drivers may be overheating and cutting out for a moment now and then causing just a few lost steps.
    Increase the cooling and/or decrease the current to the motors and run the job again to test.

    Are there a lot of short movments with reversal of direction? In this case I would reduce the acceleration values for X and Y.
    This will make the cut take longer, but reliability is more important than time.

    Of course it may still be a slipping coupling, make sure one of the setscrews is firmly on the flat of the motor and so on, all the usual mechanical checks.
  8. Muthiah

    Muthiah New

    Jun 1, 2021
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    My Ambient Temperature is 30-35 degree Celsius.
    I have switched on the air conditioner now - to 24degreesC.

    All the setscrews are set on flat side of the stepper shaft - and tight- Checked.

    Yes there are lot of short movements and reversals -
    "In this case I would reduce the acceleration values for X and Y."--- What do you mean by this?
    I don't mind the job taking longer . Precision is priority. slower job is not an issue for me here.

    What do you mean by decrease current to the motors? / How does one do this?

    the first test run today :(after tightening all the nuts along the axes and motors)
    I noticed vacuum tube snaging - I stopped and restarted job from first.

    the second run today: (after disconnecting the vacuum entirely)
    Observing closely thought there may be fine error buildup (may be 1mm apex in 40 minutes)
    but at one same point as before there was I noticed a jerk in movement & sound and a sudden jump of position - about 10mm or so on x axis.
    >so I stopped an looked around the gantry to find the situation in the photo attached here - There is a zip tie used to hold the cable management system to a beam along the x axis. looks like this zip tie has been snagging at the protruding nut on the back of the gantry causing the gantry to miss steps offsetting its position.

    now I have cut off the zip tie. (I do not see any issue the lack of this zip tie can create)
    I will run this job again today and update if this zip tie was the actual culprit causing the origin shifting during the job.

    Attached Files:

    David the swarfer likes this.
  9. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Check grubscrews on shaft couplers - slipping motor shaft or leadscrew inside couplers are hard to spot
    Also check wiring on X: docs:blackbox:faq-identify-motor-coils [OpenBuilds Documentation] - intermittent loose connection / wire broken off somewhere inside insulation / loose terminals - can cause intermittent skips
  10. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Incorrect. BlackBox drivers enter protection mode on an overheat event and stays in that mode until power cycled: docs:blackbox:currentadjustment [OpenBuilds Documentation]

    Thus, not related to overheating.

    If @Muthiah did follow docs:blackbox:currentadjustment [OpenBuilds Documentation] - and turned them down all the way - it might relate to current adjustment (undercurrent will skip due to lack of torque, but won't enter protection mode as its not a "fault"). You didn't do that though, Muthiah, its still on default setting right? Default is perfect, and thus making driver unlikely. More likely wiring, mechanical, or Grbl parameters

    Speaking of Grbl Parameters: Muthiah did you load our machine profiles, or set your Grbl settings manually? (Our profiles, should be good)

    Any 3rd party parts (not from OpenBuildsPartstore.com?) in use?
    David the swarfer likes this.
  11. Muthiah

    Muthiah New

    Jun 1, 2021
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    Hi Peter,

    I see - so its not over heating.

    I have not changed any current settings myself, after purchase of the pre assembled workable machine from 3D Printronics. ( Prusa i3 Mk3s 3D Printer Bear Upgrade )
    The build is completely from this seller. I have not included any other parts - except for a vacuum cleaner that I have attached.

    you will be able to see exact configuration here : Prusa i3 Mk3s 3D Printer Bear Upgrade

    The Grbl (post processor):
    I am using Vectric Aspire for this job. Aspire was making for a .pp format post processor.
    - and as the download from Open Builds download link has cps format - I tried using 'gbrl(mm)' post processor that was available in aspire's library.
    I have used it in smaller job before and did not notice any issues because of the post processor.
    ? Any other way to use Open Builds post processor? or any .pp format download ? please suggest - it will be more appropriate I guess?
  12. Muthiah

    Muthiah New

    Jun 1, 2021
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    Also - after removing the zip tie that seemed to be physically restricting some steps of the gantry
    - the job seems to be running without major misalignment like before.

    I will run the job fully again tomorrow and confirm if the misalignment issue is fully resolved or not.

    Great to have all your support here.
  13. Alex Chambers

    Alex Chambers Master
    Moderator Builder

    Nov 1, 2018
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    This post processor works with the black box;-

    docs:software:vectric [OpenBuilds Documentation]

  14. Muthiah

    Muthiah New

    Jun 1, 2021
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    Thanks alex.

    But trying to install this seems to throw an error - screen shot error message attached
    ( I am using Aspire 9.5.10 )

    Attached Files:

  15. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    You looked at the wrong page, the Fusion post is CPS. See docs:software:vectric [OpenBuilds Documentation] for the Vectric posts

    That is very outdated, upgrade to the latest version - the version you mention is well known as a cracked version - is that the case here?
  16. Muthiah

    Muthiah New

    Jun 1, 2021
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    It is possible.
    I have to verify with my computer administrator.

    I will check into the possibility to the upgrade to newer version
  17. Alex Chambers

    Alex Chambers Master
    Moderator Builder

    Nov 1, 2018
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